The Hate is always an untidy passion. What might arise initially in the soul as competition and emulation, ultimately displays as distaste, repugnance or rivalry. It is a primary reptilian feeling of survival, compound or mixed with the dread and the rage towards other one, which is perceived as foreign, different and menacing. So, the hate expresses always as negative and destruction, still potential.

The hate breaks personal and social bridges and makes clashing spaces. The hate poisons the relations of different types and takes them to personal and social, antagonistic and irreconcilable situations. And this destructive and self-destructive drive forms a «sinister and mortal curl» in the emotional vital pace of the men. Once created the habit and the accepted and repeated guideline of conduct (by our automatic brain, though we do not notice). We have formed a riverbed for the flow of the hate and his extension. That so turns out to be easier to repeat and to keep live.

The mental Gordian knot of the hate, only can be cut by the collective overcoming. And this is carried out personally, exercising a broad mindness generosity and the personal effort of overcoming and oblivion the circumstances that shaped «that situation«. Looking for the only possible and human solution to the clash as such, to the fear perceived and more or less deformed, to the rage that stultifies and exceeds the spirit.


The War arises in the armed collective clash. In the violent dialectics of two social rivals groups. That employ the weapons for the attainment of certain aims, which are exclusive for both.

The regional and frontier tribes have been developing a social way, therefore, personified and assumed in his wide culture, of canalizing the hates and differences towards the minor possible hurt. Three are the claiming mechanisms that arise to mediate, smooth or alleviate the affronts and disputes. The first is the «blood price«. It consists in the fact that a related group or a family selection, assumes and faces the «offense» realized by a member of this group. The offense is paid, for example, by the delivery of camels or cereals measures. Then there is the revenge, when a crime is committed or a member of a clan is insulted seriously. This generates a spiral, developed in successive cycles, of violence and misbehaviors. Actions that the honor of the group forces to do. Sometimes, a «mediators council«, accepted by the parts, can arbitrate with success to cut the chain.

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Finally, there is the more or less limited war. This establishes a military collective action between faced clans or tribes and has an intermittent and extensive character. The lack of resources is a source of serious clashes between consolidated groups. And his rooting can manage to be like the vendettas. The origins or causes are the nomadism, the pastures, the droughts, the hunger, the drinking troughs, the demographic exclusive pressure and the lack of capital or the underdevelopment. But, also they can be the distribution of political and social roles in countries in precarious social and economic situation. Or of the economic performances that generate the exploitation and sale of his principal producing sources, which generally are monocultures or monoproductions of the mining industry. But, in his tribal origin, the armed conflict is always a limited war in the useless hurt: The children, the women, the animals, the fruit-bearing trees, even the crops that cannot remove, are respected. The premise is more or less not to urge or justify in the opposite one a thirst of and insane total revenge.

The tribes formed the constant flow of native emigrants, who populated and made grow from 1970, all the underdeveloped populations. Sometimes they were joined, from the 80s, by a foreign, more or less specialized emigration. That was devoting itself to the services, the development of the civil infrastructures and the extraction industries. One of the things that the modern civilization brought, which is nothing more that to live and to develop in the cities, it is the disappearance of the «procedure of containment and respect» of the fighting in and between the tribes. His interests were already those of the great city, his values (different from what the autochthonous virtues mean) were those of a disorganized society in ways of acceptance and integration.

It has been said that this «emigration from the lands«, broke the internal cohesion, the influence and the power of the tribes in many countries. It is not totally true. It has not happened in Iraq, which was much more modern and developed. And of it gives faith the devilish and complex guerrilla war generated after the Allied occupation at first of 2003 and against the successive sectarian governments of the shia majority. Not in the Lebanon, where the shiítas of the south of the country form the base of Hezbola‘s ethnic and logistic support.

The tribes were working or can work socially and politically as a «nation in embryo» in situations of isolation, structural poverty, central precarious authority. But they will tend to weaken when the benefits of the ethnic and tribal, regional and local structures were or are overcome by the provided by the dominating sheik or emir or the despot or democratic central state. And these had or have the popular constraint means, the respect and the ancendancy, to keep the tribes sufficiently close and united. And follwoing with a general common politics, favorable to the majority of the citizens, and not forgetting the rights of the minorities.

Resultado de imagen de guerra tribal africa IN THE TRIBAL ZONE OF PAKISTAN, AT THE BORDER WITH AFGHANISTAN.

Where the preference clans does not take place. That is the cancer that has corroded the tribal state unions, for example, in Somalia. Where, in addition, it has been absent the enough exemplary and supported figure, so to manage to impose a national common politics and the social peace. For example, in Iraq, where the government of Saddam Hussein and his aptitudes to keep joined the three etnias of the country. With all his disadvantages of corruption, arbitrariness and clientèle, were making the country to work very reasonably. And it was so much as military, winning the war to the Islamic Republic of Iran, as economically.

Other one of the vices that the «civilized» members of the tribes have acquired is the excessive greed. And with her, her corollary and the easy way to satisfy her, the rampant corruption. The social equality in the tribes, his «ideological rough republicanism», was guaranteeing the use and reasonable enjoyment of the resources by all the members.

Resultado de imagen de guerra tribal africa

The American and European troops are prepared to fight against a military regular enemy provided with a masses army. Or even more modern, of the IIIrd generation, with more elaborated technological means and better trained men to support the lonelinesses and tensions of the awaited current battlefields. Definitively, his «environment», his space of action, is the direct and opened clash in presence of a great profusion of probable enemy targets. His instrument is the attrition, the destruction of the aims that the enemy presents and could be detected and acquired in all the depth of his march or attack deployment. The last two enemy steps, nowadays increasingly remote or deep, are reached by the aviation of tactical support of long range or with the ballistic or autonomous rocketry of middle range.

Which is here the role of the man? To detect and confirm the enemy targets, to try to fix them if it is a question of a patrol or small combat unit and to call his «ordnance» in order that it devastates them. Only his elite units, always scanty and, therefore, exceptional and precious, are formed to only employ his organic means in the infantry close fight.

In Iraq and in Syria the islamist bases are always in the cities and populations most favorable to the activity of his different bands. And they are surrounded or perviosed by military national and foreign forces. Already at the beginnig of the war, the North American intelligence intercepted a memorandum of 17 pages written by Abu Musad al-Zarqawi, former chief of Al-Qaeda in Iraq, and directed to Osama ben Laden. In it he was expressing to him his worry for his survival: «In Iraq there are not mountains where we could shelter, nor forests in whose thickness we could hide. There are spies eyes everywhere. Our backs are exposed and our movements are realized in view of all». And this geographical military space is similar in Syria.


The Evil is conceptually the lack and the denial of the good, which is the only virtue or effort (as stable and permanent value) that is positive. And the primary negative force that generates the hate in a wide sense, not necessarily violent, is the one that gives force, life and permanency to the evil of the man.

Sometimes in the History and in the history of the human groups, raises a special and adherent evil, with own reality, that it is difficult to fight and avoid. There existed always the great ethnic, political, social and religious persecutions: the Jews were so by the Nazi Germany; the Christians, yazidis and other minor groups, in the Southwest of Asia; the educated, leader classes and with urban works suffered it in the Red Khmers’ Cambodia, which overcame in the scanty time suffered and in the affected percent of the population, the Bolshevik persecutions against the not proletarian or enemy classes. But, the force, the continuity and the determination that displayed in them, which were generated and channelled by the rage, the habit of unhealthy conduct and the guideline accepted by so many people, overcame the possibilities and the insane imagination of the human mortal collectivities.

Resultado de imagen de victimas del comunismo en el mundo

The Evil as concept, as immaterial entity, needs from instrument, a vector, a vehicle, to display in our physical world. And this material vehicle is provided by the untid and uncontrolled passions of the men, already dominated and dragged by the hate and his corollaries passions. In which and by means of them, the Evil displays enslaver, overflowing and superhuman.

The imposition of the communism in Russia from 1917, caused million dead men, destroyed countless families and persons and eliminated the perspectives and vital paths of many millions more, throughout almost 25 years of widespread and inhuman terror. The enemies of class were liquidated, a wide and confused name where were fitting all the nuisances for the governing class; the Red Army was purged in 1937; many peasants were slowly killed of hunger from 1930, with the implantation of the five-year industrialization plans, which were removing the agricultural resources for it and giving priority to the heavy industry, which would turn the USSR into a great modern Power.

Resultado de imagen de victimas del comunismo en el mundo  HISTORIC STUDY OF RESULTS Y VICTIMS.

And all this became systematic and coldly. As it corresponds to visionaries, illuminated by a considered scientific social doctrine and, therefore, infallibly. That they were detecting the absolute and all-embracing power and were themselves abrogated the right and the sovereignty for it. The three powers of the State were centering in them to be exercised, in a satrapy, a tyranny endowed with the modern means at his disposition. Supposedly they were doing it in name of the people and for the people, but they never did it with the real people. Mao calculated that around 90 generations would be need, suffering the «proletariat dictatorship» in the «socialist countries«, in order that could arise, were appearing the green outbreaks of, the «new communist man«.

Imagen relacionada GULAGS IN THE USSR.

All these putrid, inhuman, insane ideas come from the sewage, pits and black wells of the human intelligence and soul. And they are the valid, sure and permanent instrument for the periodic manifestation of the Evil within the humanity. This Evil, unattainable for the reason and the human capacities, is the temporal manifestation of the Misterium Iniquitatis.

The Evil acts stimulating in a fulfilled, relarge, excessive way our untied passions. On having examined the affected facts, only we can wonder: how was it possible that this happened?, how did it come near to so much?. Except in personal exceptional cases, the Evil acts in the human collective and insane actions. So that, his presence remains diffuse, vague, veiled. There will never be «security» of his action. Because the supra rationals phenomena neither are implied not even are overlapped openly with the material human phenomena. This way, they can conjecture or suppose his presence and his operation, but without confirming them «in stricto sensu».

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