La aparición del Estado Islámico ha supuesto un cambio cualitativo en los objetivos, en las posibilidades, en la notoriedad y en la estrategia general y operativa de los yihadistas salafistas del mundo entero. Hasta entonces, la jefatura ideológica de la agrupación terrorista al-Qaida consideraba, establecía y ordenaba a sus grupos propios o de partidarios regionales, unos objetivos puntuales de ataque y destrucción de personas, cosas y lugares. Y la realización de los mismos, aislados e inconexos entre sí, operativa, temporal y localmente, marcaban los límites de la acción y la propaganda terroristas que la organización perseguía. Actuaban, efectivamente, como una red.

Pero sus “nodos” (los centros radiantes locales) eran débiles, sin trascendencia operativa y quedaban demasiado distantes entre sí. Y estaban unidos por “cuerdas”, representando sus potencialidades de comunicación, actuaciones combinadas y apoyo mutuo, que estaban deshilachadas, casi sueltas. El diseño, la funcionalidad y la dirección ausente y remota de esa Red no servían para nada más… Nunca en su historia los seguidores de Ben Laden llegaron a controlar difusamente una extensión suficiente de territorio clave. «Al-Qaida es sólo un movimiento, nosotros somos ya un estado», declaró un orgulloso muyahidín salafista del EISL. La realidad es que el Estado Islámico de Siria y el Levante se extiende difusa e intermitentemente por un territorio del tamaño de España, que va desde Alepo hasta la provincia iraquí de Diyala, al este del país, con el Eufrates como columna vertebral de sus enclaves urbanos.


La Espada Desenvainada del Islam.

Su nombre es Ibrahim Anwad Ibrahim Ali al-Badri. Pero el tipo está en la línea de los papas y de algunos caudillos político militares del Islam, de cambiarse el nombre al ascender o subirse al cargo. Y así, se ha puesto Abu Baker al-Baghdadi. Que quiere decir, el Padre de Baker, el de Baghdad. Es un nombre vago e impreciso, siguiendo la estructura estrecha y usada en la época de las tribus árabes inflamadas de celo avasallador por el Islam. Por el que solamente se le podría reconocer en casa, a la hora de comer, si no tuviera la merecida fama de “carnicero del Islam”. Nació en una aldea cercana a la ciudad de Samarra, capital provincial al norte de Baghdad, en 1.971. Los primeros testigos señalan que era un hombre pacífico, introvertido y reservado, al que le gustaba leer, visitar la mezquita y jugar al balompié en un campo cercano a casa.

Usaba barba, se tocaba con un gorro blanco y vestía la dishdasha, la túnica iraquí masculina. Hacia los 18 años hizo el servicio militar en el ejército de Saddam Hussein. Realmente, el EISL ha alterado los comportamientos del joven, presentándolo mucho más piadoso y ocupado por los estudios coránicos, que como realmente fue. Parece que cursó estudios islámicos en la Universidad de Baghdad No hay muchos testigos presenciales localizables de su vida y su propia familia ha huido de la ciudad, aterrada de verse relacionada con un elemento semejante. Tras la invasión estadounidense de 2.003 y el inicio de la insurrección sunní contra los colaboracionistas chiíes y las milicias tribales del clérigo al-Sadr, al-Baghdadi participó en los grupos insurrectos de lo que se llamó la “guerra sectaria (2.004-2.007)”.

En el curso de una persecución contra Abu Musab al-Zarkawi, el jefe de Al-Qaida en Irak, al-Baghdadi fue detenido. Los estadounidenses lo clasificaron como un “interno civil”, es decir, vinculado a los insurrectos, pero no participante en sus operaciones. Y lo internaron en Camp Bucca, al sur de Irak, un tiempo impreciso entre 1 y 2 años, como todo el misterio o la añagaza que deliberadamente envuelve a este sujeto. Esta prisión era más cómoda y, sobre todo, más tolerante que la infamante Abu Ghraib, junto a Baghdad. Donde los estadounidenses retenían, cerca de su centro operativo de la capital, a los que más les preocupaban por sus hechos o relaciones con los insurrectos. Observados impasiblemente por sus lenitivos carceleros, los internos de Camp Bucca realizaban contactos entre sí, compartían información, leían el Koran, interpretándolo a su manera radical y sesgada, y recibían arengas yihadistas. Y hacia finales de 2.005 fue liberado.

Ibrahim Anwad entró a formar parte de al-Qaida en Irak, donde destacó en poco tiempo por sus capacidades organizativas. Pero, el 7 de junio de 2.006 al-Zarkawi murió en un ataque aéreo conjunto de la aviación de EEUU e Irak, junto a Bakuba, a unos 65 kilómetros al norte de Bagdadi, donde también murieron 7 ayudantes del jefe terrorista. En pocos meses, Ibahim Anwad se hizo con el control de la organización en Irak. Para 2.007, Abu Baker, integrando también a otros grupúsculos yihadistas en al-Qaida, asumió el mando conductor del nuevo Estado Islámico de Irak, en cuyo nombre imprimía sus estilo, capacidad e intención. Fueron tiempos difíciles, menguados y ocultos para el grupo. Los estadounidenses estaban en Irak; su estrategia antiterrorista de dispersión y aislamiento de los grupúsculos rebeldes activos, apoyada en el terreno en disputa en las fuerzas de autodefensa tribales, el llamado Sahwa o “resurgir sunní” (sunni dawn), funcionaba desde 2.007, de la mano del general David Petraeus; y los sunníes habían abandonado su política de no participar en la vida pública iraquí, dominada y sin oposición legal hasta entonces por la mayoría chií.

Perseguido implacablemente por sus amenazados enemigos de casa y de allende los mares, Abu Baker se desliza con frecuencia por la inmensa zona desértica de Siria (su desierto oriental) e Irak (la fronteriza y desértica provincia de Anbar), deteniéndose en las cercanías de las ciudades ocupadas por el EISI. Los terroristas emplean pequeños grupos dispersos y camuflados o enmascarados de vehículos, que viajan entremezclándose con el tránsito habitual de la zona. Que discurre pegado al curso del Eufrates, por las carreteras y los caminos adyacentes del desierto. Se han realizado varios intentos de eliminación física del califa, empleando los vehículos aéreos no tripulados o mediante incursiones puntuales a cargo de una sección reforzada de tropas de élites, con sus misiones de ataque, apoyo y aislamiento. Las acciones se aprobaban tras detectarse su probable presencia, gracias a chivatazos u operaciones de inteligencia. Pero, hasta ahora, sólo han llevado a causar bajas a sus oficiales de escolta o a sus correligionarios allegados, sin alcanzar al caudillo escurridizo.

A las distancias cortas, el Califa, orgulloso, reservado y despiadado, se muestra, según informaciones de testigos, déspota y aún avasallador, en el trato con terceros ajenos a sus círculos íntimos. A diferencia del anterior jefe de “al-Qaida en Irak”, Abu Baker cuida mucho su imagen personal y no permite su toma por los medios. Sus imágenes más extensas y fidedignas datan de su proclamación en Mosúl del Califato islamista. Sin embargo, las primeras fotos policiales de Ibrahim Anwad al-Badri lo muestran con barba discontinua y descuidada y algo regordete para un hombre en los “ta y tantos años” de su vida.

La Estructura del Califato.

La Administración creada por al-Baghdadi es digna de mejores destinos. Y es una pruebas de sus capacidades organizativas de dirigente político religioso del Islam. La cúpula ejecutiva de al-Imarah la forman el Califa, sus dos delegados en Iraq y Siria y el gabinete o consejo, integrado por 7 asesores. Al-Imarah quiere decir emirato o principado musulmán. Existe un órgano legislativo para asuntos militares y religiosos denominado el Consejo de la Shura, que depende de la gobernanza de al-Imarah, es decir, de sus tres mandos principales y del gabinete. Cada delegado nacional cuenta con 12 gobernadores regionales, atribuidos a poblaciones importantes o claves o a zonas determinadas de cada país citado. También, cada delegado tiene 8 secretarías u oficinas, dedicadas específicamente a las tareas o ministerios más importantes.

Así, están: Asistencia de los combatientes, para el apoyo a los muyahidines foráneos. Finanzas, que controla la venta de petróleo y derivados, rehenes y objetos confiscados y compra armas y pertrechos. Inteligencia, que recolecta información, elabora inteligencia y la distribuye a los distintos interesados. Legalidad, que se encarga de los asuntos legales, de las sentencias y del reclutamiento de muyahidines y simpatizantes. Liderazgo, que redacta las leyes y normas y establece la estrategia política. Medios, que los regula y realiza la propaganda de todo tipo. Militar, del que depende la coordinación de la defensa y extensión armada del califato. Seguridad, que lleva a cabo la vigilancia interna y ejecuta las sentencias de muerte, actuando como una especie de comisariado político o policía religiosa.

Y, ¿con cuántos guerrilleros cuenta el EISL? La CIA valoró hace unos meses que contaba con algo más de 30 mil muyahidines, de los cuales un quinto serían extranjeros. Es la fuente más seria y capacitada para realizar una estimación tan difícil. Algunos han sido pulverizados por la aviación de la Coalición; otros, pocos, de los aventureros foráneos, alucinados y embrutecidos, han regresado a sus países para hacer allí la yihad; y algunos miles habrán incrementado sus filas desde el verano a acá. En la peor de las posibilidades para la libertad y las personas, las fuerzas del EI no superarían los 45 mil armados útiles. Y de ellos unos 8 u 9 mil son extranjeros, catequizados en sus lugares de origen y mesmerizados desde lejos por los hechos y la propaganda del EI.

Yihadistas en Siria.

La profunda crisis de la sociedad civil siria y el desgobierno producidos por una guerra civil “in crescendo”, que ya se prolonga por 4 años, causando unos 200 mil muertos, han permitido a los grupos yihadistas del Próximo Oriente asentarse en Siria. Sus zonas de refugio y sus áreas de influencia no son individualmente grandes, ni continuas. Ellas están más bien desperdigadas y cercanas entre sí. Y ninguna de ellas resistiría un acoso militar serio. Las zonas ocupadas forman como “manchas” amorfas y fluentes en evolución, de las que se repliegan si la presión militar enemiga es fuerte y continua. Para instalarse en posiciones alternativas lo más cercanas posible, que les permitan mantener una mínima conexión operativa con las otras posiciones regionales.

En Siria han proliferado los “conjuntos de partidarios” o bandas de al-Qaida. Las razones de que no se hayan articulado en un único grupo terrorista sirio son varias. Una es la lejanía y la falta de control y ascendencia del “central core” de al-Qaida. Ésta es la cruz de esa descentralización operativa de la que suele presumir la Red y con la que amenaza alcanzar a sus enemigos por medio planeta. Los partidos comunistas, especialistas comprobados en la toma del poder, siempre exhibieron una unidad ideológica, operativa y militar monolítica, propia de monjes guerreros entusiasmados, en sus luchas llamadas de “liberación nacional” por tres continentes. Otra razón es que estos “hermanos separados” se odian entre sí. El igualitarismo, derivado de la fraternidad en las doctrinas salafistas sunníes, origina pronto entre los “iguales”, una infección purulenta y contagiosa de envidia, desafecto y rencor. Y viceversa, la existencia de una jerarquía capaz, justa, respetada y aceptada en una organización, favorece la emulación y el ascenso de muchos de los más capaces. Una razón que pesa es también la ambición, la osadía, la agresividad desbordante y la carencia de escrúpulos de sus jefes de armas y sheiks locales. Su primer enemigo acérrimo no es el ejército, ni el ESL o las milicias de autodefensa de kurdos, alauitas, cristianos o drusos, según las regiones. Sus más odiados y temidos enemigos son los mandos de los otros grupos yihadistas de Siria. Porque son los más afines, con los que rivalizan por el mando, con los que tendrían que competir por la dirección del yihadismo en el país.

Tocando ya las estrategias de los 2 grupos yihadistas de Siria, el Frente al-Nusrah para la Liberación de los Pueblos de Oriente busca sólo establecer un “emirato islámico radical” en Siria. El EISIL, nacido en las luchas de guerrillas de Irak después del 2.003, quiere crear un califato salafista más extenso y permanente. E instalarlo, de momento, en Siria e Irak. Aunque ya ha hecho ataques de castigo a los chiítas libaneses, en respuesta al apoyo de Hezbolá a al-Assad. El primero responde y va en paralelo a la estrategia de al-Qaida de favorecer la creación y el funcionamiento de “núcleos delegados” nacionales o regionales. Que desde su lejanía física y con la laxitud estructural de la Red, puedan ser controlados por ella, en cuanto a órdenes, estrategias y operaciones y el uso de la “marca al-Qaida”. Pero, el EISIL busca una independencia funcional y, quizás también ideológica, con el “central core” de la Red. Ya que el Estado Islámico actuaría como un “mando conductor operativo” en una zona supranacional, que podría incluir a todo el suroeste de Asia. Así, una jefatura superior, administradora y ausente le sobra al EISIL.

Ayman al-Zawahiri confirmó en 2.013 la vinculación del Frente Al Nusrah de Abu Mohammed al-Golani con al-Qaida y negó toda relación con el EISIL. Y tuvo que intervenir en varias ocasiones para desautorizar a al-Baghdadi. «El EISIL debe ser abolido, mientras que el Estado Islámico de Irak debe seguir funcionando», declaró rotundo al-Zawahiri en noviembre de 2013. «Al-Baghdadi cometió un error al establecer el EISIL sin pedirnos permiso o informarnos», y, continuó, el sirio al-Golani también «se ha equivocado al anunciar su rechazo del EISIL, sin nuestro permiso». Al-Zawahiri ordenó entonces que el Estado Islámico de Irak circunscriba sus operaciones a aquel país, mientras que el Frente al-Nusrah sea «una rama independiente de al-Qaida que informa ante el mando general (una especie de delegado regional)». Además, recriminó a ambos “grupos hermanos” por sus actos de violencia contra otros musulmanes. En respuesta, y pese a que el grupo original “al-Qaida en Irak” de Musab al-Zarkawi sí había jurado fidelidad al-Zawahiri, al-Baghdadi se declaró en rebeldía hacia él. Produciéndose una importante crisis de liderazgo en la Red, que intentaron reparar alejándose de al-Baghdadi. Esto debilitó la lucha contra al-Assad, a medida que los grupos yihadistas se extendían en Siria y el ejército se concentraba hacia las grandes poblaciones. Y durante los enfrentamientos de primeros de 2.014 entre los rebeldes, al-Golani ofreció a una mediación a los grupos, que no fructificó, para dar prioridad a plantar cara contra al-Assad. Por esta época se consumó la ruptura entre los 2 grupos yihadistas, tras una serie de conversaciones de acercamiento entre delegados de ambas ramas, celebradas en el Kurdistán sirio. En una de ellas Abu Baker se presentó formando parte del grupo negociador, pero sin llegar a desvelar su identidad a sus interlocutores del Frente al-Nusrah.

Contradicciones del EISL.

Como no tienen arraigo suficiente entre la población iraquí o siria, el abandonar sus posiciones temporales no les supone dejar desamparados a sus habitantes frente al enemigo armado. Los habitantes de las áreas ocupadas no están ganados para la guerra santa. Esos pobladores son atemorizados, amenazados y, al menos, neutralizados, para que den cobijo, manutención y apoyo a las bandas yihadistas y no las estorben, ni importunen en sus actividades. Sólo los que cooperaron con los “enemigos de la Yihad” pueden estar en peligro ante ellas. Cuando ocupan una población, sobre todo en la periferia del Estado Islámico, los yihadistas siempre preparan sus vías de evacuación hacia las afueras de ella, y de retirada, desde éstas a los puntos de encuentro establecidos cercanos. Para desde ellos dirigirse a posiciones de recibimiento y/o de ocupación regionales.

Cuando son liberados de la presencia yihadista, muchos habitantes, especialmente en los pueblos pequeños, procuran huir temporalmente y refugiarse en las poblaciones cercanas mayores. La razón es que al despotismo imperioso, desconsiderado y percutiente de los yihadistas, se unen los fuegos pesados de sus enemigos, empleados durante la captura de la población. Tanto los militares como los grupos rebeldes mayores (fundamentalmente los peshmergas) prefieren evitar sus bajas y apresurar el desalojo de los yihadistas, usando la aviación y la artillería, si disponen de ella. Incluso, los cohetes de vuelo libre y carga hueca anticarros RPG-7V (una artillería de los pobres) lanzados en salvas dobles o triples, causan un efecto demoledor en los edificios de mampostería o de adobe. Esto ya serviría para hacer replegarse hacia el interior a las fuerzas yihadistas de seguridad de sus posiciones adelantadas, situadas en los límites de la población o en puntos adyacentes. Y ya por fin, los militares sirios suelen retirarse en poco tiempo, para realizar otras misiones de ataque; de ahí, el carácter continuo, fluido y hasta reversible de las operaciones. Entonces, pueden regresar los yihadistas y depurar responsabilidades. Por eso, muchos civiles piensan: “una vez y no más”.

La decisión, la agresividad y el desprecio a la muerte de los yihadistas les ha dado ventajas militares sobre los opositores laicos rebeldes. Y su actividad y protagonismo es creciente en el panorama de la oposición militar siria. En varias provincias sirias, como Raqqa o Deir al Zor, han desplazado al Ejército Libre de Siria y se han “asentado” como la única fuerza operativa rebelde. En diciembre de 2013, el Estado Islámico de Iraq y Siria asaltó la sede del Consejo Supremo Militar de la oposición política moderada laica, en la fronteriza ciudad turca de Bab al Hawa y saqueó los arsenales y depósitos. Y los combates entre rebeldes han sido continuos en las regiones montañosas kurdas durante 2.014. Todo ello llevó a los EEUU y Gran Bretaña a suspender progresivamente toda clase de ayuda militar a los rebeldes sirios. Por miedo a que parte de los medios y suministros proporcionados y de los refuerzos al ELS, en forma de comandos sunníes entrenados en Jordania, lleven al encumbramiento de los enemigos de Occidente.

Al-Baghdadi estableció inmediatamente la Sharia, como ley civil y penal del califato. Inmediatamente, todas las mujeres, incluso los maniquíes de las tiendas, fueron obligadas a cubrirse sus rostros, para no tentar a los hombres con sugerencias pecaminosas. Sus tribunales islámicos aplican la pena de muerte a diferentes prácticas consideradas criminales, como la violación de mujeres musulmanas, la homosexualidad, el adulterios y la blasfemia y en algunos casos de robos. Los infieles o herejes (cristianos, yazidíes, chiíes, mandeos, etc.) que no se convierten al Islam sunní (a los cristianos se pensó al principio hacerles pagar alguna exacción para el EISL), son perseguidos violentamente. Así, sucesivamente, sus casas son marcadas, sus bienes, incautados, sus mujeres, violadas y sus niños, asesinados. Los perseguidos sufren ejecuciones sumarias y son tomados como rehenes, para recaudar rescates. Se han denunciado decapitaciones de personas que se niegan a la conversión, incluyendo a mujeres y niños, y la exposición de sus cadáveres en las plazas públicas. Esto desencadenó un genocidio religioso especialmente en las áreas iraquíes del encanallado califato, que ha provocado una huida masivo de personas de las minorías hacia los países vecinos, Turquía, Jordania y El Líbano, generando un grave problema de refugiados en ellos.

En su afán por conseguir la adhesión de nuevos seguidores, el EISL mira a Occidente. Sus objetivos preferentes son los jóvenes ilusionados, desmotivados anímica e ideológicamente, no educados en las virtudes de la civilización europea. Y mimados y sobrealimentados en nuestros países mercantilistas y materialistas, que han convertido todos los deseos en necesidades a satisfacer por los mercados. Así, el EISL difundió a fines de mayo de 2.914 la primera edición de un semanario en inglés, el «Islamic State Report» (Informe del Estado Islámico) y un vídeo en alemán, pero subtitulado en inglés. En éste un yihadista occidental, alaba a Baghdadi, el líder del EISL, anuncia como «buenas nuevas… el regreso de la Sharia y el Estado Islámico» y pide abiertamente a sus simpatizantes que acudan, «y se unan a las filas» del EISL. El semanario «Islamic State Report» pretende dar una idea del creciente grado de institucionalización que está adquiriendo el Estado Islámico en sus posiciones. La publicación recoge una entrevista con el responsable de la formación de los nuevos clérigos de ese territorio, el jeque Abu Hawraa al-Jazaairi. Que indica que ya han educado a decenas de ellos en un nuevo centro educacional y que han prohibido la presencia en las mezquitas de aquellos que no cursen en él. La revista «Islamic State Report» publicó hace meses un reportaje irónico y sensacionalista: «De patrulla con la Oficina de Protección al Consumidor». Y Abu Salih al-Ansari, el responsable de la unidad especializada en comprobar que no se vendan alimentos en mal estado, o que no se ajusten a las directrices islamistas del ISIS, avisa que se ha habilitado un teléfono para atender las quejas del público… Continuamente se dan imágenes en las redes sociales de la vida diaria en el califato y se difunden vídeos con ejecuciones de rehenes, como respuesta a lo que ellos consideran las agresiones de los cruzados. También, el EI hace llamadas a sus simpatizantes por el mundo para perpetrar acciones individuales y aisladas en la retaguardia enemiga. A raíz de la ofensiva aérea de la Coalición, hicieron un llamamiento para atentar contra la vida de ciudadanos de los países que forman parte de ella. Se calcula que en marzo de 2.015 ya hay en Twitter más de 40 mil cuentas operativas de yihadistas, con afanes propagandísticos y proselitistas.




The Islamic State of Syria, Iraq and Levante (southwest of Asia)

Al-Qaeda makes to the Sunnis great part of the difficult, despicable and awkward «fieldwork». And her existence and threat is a trick to play by the Sunnis. Always they can agree with the Shiite government to exercise more or less control over al-Qaeda in some areas. This was the function for general Petraeus re-turned them from 2007 into self-defense forces, the Sahwa militias (of the Sunni resurgence). Strategy that followed without counting with the government and paying the Americans the salaries of these appeased militias. With it, as only antiwestern visible enemy stayed the AQI and next the Islamic State of Iraq, that is to say al-Qaeda. The area of operations is as arid and difficult that that of Syria. The «groups» movements can be detected from the sky and for many eyes of chance observers. The targets of the «punctual assaults with explosives» are the mosques, the markets, the peregrinations, the concentrations of civilians and military men and Iraqi policemen and the frequent passages or in mass of the Shiites. In many of these places always are several members of the same family. The Network uses the uncontrolled violence and taken to her unnecessary, immodest and insanity extremes, not hesitating to sacrifice their «suicide muhaiddins». That will never have «expectations of life and promotion» within the terrorist organization. So, the Network betrays even their «more effective militants», as demonstrates the correlation of caused hurts and suffered losses.

And this is not all. These “fatherland sellers” terrorists are the principal persons in charge of the genocide (systematic extermination of a collectivity for reasons of religion, race or ideology) that the Christians suffer in Syria and Iraq. And that are provoking their massive exodus, probably without return, from their native lands. Where they were living and working from several centuries before the Islam flags were appearing in these Christian lands. Only a brushstroke, probably already forgotten. On Sunday, the 31st of October, 2010 the cathedral.of Our Lady of the Perpetual Help of Baghdad was assaulted during the celebration of the Eucharist by a group of the AQI. Blowing, shooting and throwing grenades, they attacked the present faithfuls and celebrators, in a delirious drunkenness of blood and horror. And shot the crucified Christ, who was presiding. Dozens of persons, major and children, and two priests, remained died in the sacred place, sacrilegiously profaned. This way, on following December 14, the cardinal Leonardo Sandri, Prefect of the Roman Congregation for the Oriental Churches, had to dedicate again the cathedral to the divine worship. It was the response of the Christian faith to the aggression of the subhuman assassins. The cardinal breathed the community to live through a response of love to all the Iraqis, under the protection of the Virgin of the Perpetual Help. In the first letter to the Corinthians, 1 can be read: » do not you know that you are God’s temples? So, that who profanes His temple, God will destroy him». The Justice belongs to God, the Wise , the Merciful, the Compassionate, which knows the deeds of all men and they will be pay for them the Day of the Resurgence…

At the beginning of 2014, the forces of the ISSIL invaded Faluya. «Already there is no presence of the Iraqi State in Faluya. The police and the army left the city. Al-Qaeda has taken off the Iraqi flags, has burned them and hung her own flags on all the buildings», exaggerating narrated a local journalist to “The Washington Post”. At the end of the Friday central prayer, the 3rd of January, followed even in the street by thousands of Muslims, dozens of jihadists, with the «black banners embroidered with the Shahada» of al-Qaeda, appeared in the downtown, to proclaim the establishment of an «Islamic emirate» in Faluya. The Shahada is the profession of faith of the Islam and his alone recitation turns the neophyte into Muslim. It is his Islamic personal and intimate baptism, without necessary presence of an imam. The Shahada is sometimes «adorned» with a cutlass extended to all the long of his text. Al-Ramadi is also partially occupied. There, the Government troops killed on Friday the local commander of the ISSIL, Abu Abdelrahman al-Bagdadi. In the combats of this day in these two cities of Anbar’s province, died more than 100 military men and jihadists.

The combats began on Monday, the 30th of December in al-Ramadi. There, the forces of Baghdad devastated a camp of anti-government protest, raised at the end of 2012 and considered as “al-Qaeda’ barracks», and untied an islamist counter-offensive, that they were not waiting. The march 2 years ago of the American forces, created a dangerous deterioration of the Iraq capacity to face the irregular insurgence, in his double aspect of military fight and civil action of development, education and politics. And this encouraged the Sunnis militias in general and the jihadists of al-Qaeda especially. The Sunni Iraqi minority is frustrated by her loss of rights and freedoms at hands of the Shiite government of the prime minister al-Maliki. The last elections dedicated the «democratic» right of the Shiite majority over her. And «Sunni Resurgence» of general Petreaus, is already without «stimuli». And the lack of perspectives to obtain civil advances in the negotiations with the majority, returned the latent and bellicose Sunni’s «local and regional forces of self-defense» to the active rebel rows.

The operational strategy of the jihadists groups centers in never get involve by the Army in combats lost in advance. Their technologies and tactics are the constant and beforehand mobility; the dispersion and the infiltration in the urban fighting, going forward in a flexible and wearing out defense, yielding space; the small, dispersed and more or less simultaneous or sequential actions in an area; the staggered flight; the fight with limited aims and in advantageous temporary conditions; the systematic abandon of positions, forcing once and again the enemy to deploy and prepare. They can win for the ISSIL the necessary time to survive in Iraq.

In the temporary occupations of large populations, they extend their defensive positions beyond the necessary in a conventional defense, covering a great surface. Their «delay points» are diffuse, disguise concealed and cover. So are imperceptible for the strangers. It is necessary to enter the houses to detect perforated walls and to find passages under a furniture or a carpet. The destruction that generates the heavy vague fire, reinforces their combat positions, surrounding them with debris that divide and impede the enemy accesses, except when are reached by a direct impact. The resistance nests have more importance in this form of fight, because the occupation of the defense zone is more tenuous, they cannot strengthen too much the positions, the sights are more short and exist numerous approximation routes. They depend on the delay points and to them return if the nests are invaded or destroyed. Numerous alternative positions exist. This defense structure allows to deceive the assaulting enemy about the forward limit of the defense position, her real extension, the limits of the sectors that form her, the interest of the rebel command in the defense of the zone and to disperse the attacker heavy fire.



The Islamic State of Syria, Iraq and Levante (southwest of Asia)

In general, the jihadists groups have failed in actively and firmly joining in a social wide group, which gives coverage and permanent impulse to their «imperialistic social religious movement». Their «catechizing of the violence» allows them to be prepared mental for the glorious and in peace death, and, even for the suicide, in the accomplishment of their punctual tactical actions. But this rage and insanity sermon is not a weapon for the conversion of social groups. And there is a fundamental reason for it,: their «creed» lacks possibilities of acceptance, victory and permanency, out of the vicissitudes of a war. The jihadists groups act with an unnecessary and indiscriminate brutality, which discredits them before the Islam, the Koran and the Sunna or Islamic tradition gathered in the hadises or writed «comments and facts» of Mohamed. This lack of religious legitimacy provokes the absolute absence of venerable, respected and pious ulemas and mufties at their side. Their supposed «Islam ideology» is based on a few favorable verses of the Koran (this has approximately 6200), on some formely historical facts, when the minor Jihad (or violent one) was applicable and useful for the Umma, and not on the totality of the message of the Islam.

The Operational Complications of the Jihadists.

Al-Qaeda acted in Syria in 2011 and 2012 using the Front al-Nusrah for the Liberation of the Peoples of East. This name was and is of inversely proportional length to his real operational capacity. Al-Nusrah was responsible of the great isolated and indiscriminate attacks with bombs in Damascus and other cities. They were seeking to introduce a factor of instability and social fracture in the real parameters of this war. That did not manage to produce for the discontinuity of the attacks and for be knowing the authorship of these insanity assaults against Muslims. In the revolt against the occupation of 2003 in Iraq, al-Qaeda had lines of supplies and recruitment from Syria, which nowadays are used in the other way. From Turkey they were also receiving «internationalists muhaydinnes». And in 2012, part of the liberated in several assaults to Iraqi prisons, joined the Front al-Nusrah, which was fortifying in number and operational capacity.

The differences between the ISSIL and the Front al-Nusrah are born in a personal clash: the ill-will between Abu Abdulah al-Bagdadi, chief of the Islamic State of Iraq (today, the ISSIL), and Abu Mohamed al-Golani, founder of the Front al-Nusrah. Initially, the Iraqis helped the Syrians to establish their own affiliated organization of “the Network”. But, in the spring of 2013 al-Bagdadi announced the creation of the Islamic State of Syria, Iraq and the Levant. And tried to fuse his organization with her of to the-Golani. Certainly, the Front al-Nusrah rejected directly his absorption. The Iraqi al-Baghdadi considers himself to be a direct disciple of Osama Ben Laden. And already in 2010, took the command of the AQI, which inherited from the unsuccessful Musab al-Zarkawi, changing then its name to «Islamic State of Iraq».

The ISSIL is very unpopular in Syria, for his extremism and for having a qualified majority of Iraqis and jihadists from Europe and other parts of the world in his rows. After Yarabulus’s recent occupation, in the north of Syria, they beheaded a dozen of men, and fixed his heads in stakes. And the habitants who could, frightened emigrated to Karkamis, a Turkish locality. The rejection to the ISSIL is such that the Syrian National Coalition, the principal political opponent platform, assures that the organization is supported by the Syrian regime, which theoretically is enemy of all of them. This way, In a communique of January, 2014 it affirmed: «The Coalition believes that the ISSIL is closely linked with the terrorist regime, and serves directly or indirectly, to the interests of the president al-Assad and his lobby. The Syrians’ murder at hands of this group does not leave doubts on the intentions in his creation, his aims and the agendas to which he serves, confirmed by the nature of his terrorist hostile actions to the Syrian Revolution».

On other hand, the Islamic Front is an alliance created in 2013 by seven islamist «radical and moderate» groups, all opposite to the Network. His spokespersons say that they approximately count with 45 thousand fighters. But, we do not believe that reach 10 thousand militias of «light irregular infantry». If the Front is n force in a key point as the frontier position Bab al-Hawa with Turkey, at the level of Hatay’s province, the ISSIL has kept for four months Azaz, the ville of access to Alepo from the Turkish border in Kilis. In the north of Syria operate all the groups, controlling unconnected chunks of ground. The ISSIL killed Abu Rayan, a negotiator of «Ahrar Sham», a group of the Islamic Front, at the end of December. To the murder joined the assault of the ISSIL at the beginning of year to Kafranbel, in the power of the ELS. The clashes between the Islamic Front and the Islamic State of Syria, Iraq and Levant spread to Alepo’s neighborhoods and to the localities Tel Rifat and Maskanah. On Friday, the 3rd of February, an offensive of «Suqur Sham», another group of the Front, prevented the ISIS from send reinforcements near Azaz. Complicating everything, the so called «Army of the Syrians Muyahidins» has just been formed, where gather the adversaries of the ISIL and also joined by the Front al-Nusrah. We verify that the islamist terrorists are generally ideologically, institutionally and strategically divided. Though the rivals bands could offer occasionally support, refuge, information or supplies between them. The reasons are that the chiefs of principal bands always want to be «emirs (princes) and interpreters (doctors) of the Islam.» Their urgencies and organizational and tactical preferences have very mundane and degenerate foundations. «By their actions and fruits you will know them».

A confused, diffuse and schizophrenic strategy…

Keeping a similar strategy in Syria and Iraq by the ISSIL for the creation of his radical salifist independent caliphate has several important mistakes. One is to simultaneously fight in two countries with different strategic approaching. Other is to divide their meagres trained operational forces in two fronts. In Syria, the valid strategic for the heterogeneous, multiple and divided opposition to al-Assad, is to support, at least, the unit in the military strategy. This way, all the military efforts could converge in different, simultaneous or successive, objectives, that decides a military high command, respected by all the present and active groups in Syria. Already we have seen how al-Assad amounts means and efforts to his cause (militias trained of Hezbola, armament, equipments and ammunitions reinstatement, political diplomatic support from China, Iran and Russia). This is allowing him to beat in diverse combats the opposition groups and to expel them from positions that were occupying, some during certain time. Not observance of this strategy, of pure survival, would lead the opposition to his progressive destruction by the SNA.

In Iraq, the strategy of the Sunnis does not try to gain a civil war at the democratic imperfect regime al-Maliki, of Shiite majority. Neither she claims, nor might, expel them from the country by depletion, on having emphasized their disability to finish with the armed rebels and forcing them to assume it. This was the case of many “wars of national liberation” in the colonial countries in the middle of the 20th century. To many of the guerrilla popular movements it was enough to them to resist for some years the floods and onslaughts of the foreign military forces. And, this way, resisting, they tired the metropolis peoples from support a distant, poor assumed and harmful war and enervated their armed forces. Which were often lack of understanding and up to underestimated in their own homes. The Sunnis fight to regionally guarantee the power of their tribes, based on their accepted chiefs, on their «assemblies of equals» of those standing up in them and in the Pashtunwalli or code of honor for their behavior and their individual and collective rights and duties. The Sunnis fight to get rights and concessions from the Shiite majority, which they too obstinately deny to them within the rules of the imperfect inorganic democracy existing in Iraq.

For it, their combats are very measured. And his aims go on through few and successive steps. So, the Sunnis leave certain freedom of action to the Islamic State, provided that they respect their hegemony and do not try to establish strategic guerrilla bases in the tribal zones. Then, in concrete cases, they facilitate temporary refuge, supply and concealment to their «action groups» in their operations. As was the case of the previous concentration of the companies and battalions of the Islamic State for the harassment and the temporal occupation of al-Ramadi and Faluya. The Islamic State has little probabilities of establishing itself and managing to control a more or less great zone in Iraq. Because, both the army and the Sunnis militias would reject his attempts of creating stable bases. Necessary to realize consistent and connected operations, looking for some military and/or social definite and transcendent aim.



The Islamic State of Syria, Iraq and Levante (southwest of Asia)

Ayman al-Zawahiri disallowed at the beginning of February 2014 the use of the brand “al-Qaeda» by the ISSIL. This organization was using that “seal” as «guarantee of terrorism, robbery and anti-Christian unrestraint», in her raids and assaults in these countries and Lebanon. The mentioned managing director of «Terror International Partners» or “The Network” (al-Qaeda, in Arab) reached his incompetence level on having replaced, by premature and unexpected death, the founder of the «Consortium for the Islamic complete Terror». Lacking the charisma and the capacity of action that had Osama Ben Laden, the direction of al-Qaeda is today more an ideological «think tank», that a respectable and respected «strategic conductive command».

The Geographical Stage of the Islamic State.

This organization acts in a band of 100 thousand Km2., that spreads over Iraq and Syria and that forms a rectangle of 800 km length for 125 km width, from Baghdad up to Aleppo and the mountains of the west center of Syria. The width changes along the tour. The pillaged territory begins in Faluya, approximately 60 km west of Baghdad, and includes the nearby cities of Habbaniya and al-Ramadi. And, following the Euphrates towards the northwest, it reaches the riverside cities of Haditha and Âna, before penetrating in Syria by Abu Kemal’s city. In the middle of the desert of the south and east of Syria, only relieved by the river, is the Dayr al-Zawr city. And continuing for the river, we come first to Raqqa, close to the mouth of the river Belikh in the Euphrates. And then to the al-Assad artificial lake n the great meander of the Euphrates, to continue up to Aleppo and the Kurdish mountains of the west center, in the border with Turkey.

It is not easy to move in these lands, which are infertile, beyond the irrigations of the Euphrates and the lake al-Assad, without leaving a «tactical fingerprint of the march». Here are advised and prescribed the Obama’s drones and the profuse collection of information and analyses of his agencies of espionage. That can carry out a continuous exploration and follow-up labor on the human movements in the whole zone we treat. This, completed with the ground labor of collaborators and allied forces, allows to create a sufficient and constant intelligence on the plans, deployments, concentrations of the ISSIL’s forces.

The grounds of this great area lacks concealments and natural covers, like forests, extensive bushes and mountains. This does that the only refuges and stays for the yihadists groups are the villages and populations along its backbone: the river Euphrates and his banks. For their defense and cover they have to disperse in them, forming one or several «squads of muhaidins» of not more than 35 or 40 men each one. This irregular group is the major one that can be coherently commended by a local «arraez» or chief, with poor discipline and military formation.

The Jihadists in Syria and their Contradictions.

The deep crisis of the Syrian civil society and the mismanagement produced by a civil war «in crescendo», that already extends for three years, causing approximately 140 thousand deads, have allowed the jihadists groups in the Near East to settle in Syria. Their refuge zones or influence areas are not big, nor continue. They are rather dispersed, nearby between them, but split. And none of them would resist the serious harassment of the NSA (the National Syrian Army) or of the principal rebel forces: the SFA (Syrian Free Army), the recent “Islamic Front”, the newest “Army of the Syrian Mujahidins” anti al-Qaeda or the Kurdish forces, defending their frontier zone with Turkey. The occupied zones form as amorphous and fluent in evolution «spots», from which they withdraw if the military enemy pressure is strong and continued. To establish in alternative, as nearby as possible, positions, which allow them to keep a minimal operational connection with other temporal regional positions.

Since they do not have enough rooting between the Syrian, to leave their temporal positions does not suppose to abandon their habitants to the military or rebel enemies. The habitants of the occupied areas are not gained for the “Holy War”. These settlers are frightened, threatened and, at least, neutralized, in order that they give cover, subsistence and support to the jihadists bands and neither hinder, nor importune them in their activities. Only those that cooperated with the «Enemies of the Jihad» can be in real danger before them. When the jihadists occupy a population, always prepare their evacuation routes towards the suburbs of her, and of retreat, from those to the meeting points established nearby. To go from them to regional positions of reception and/or of occupation.

When they are liberated of the jihadist presence, many habitants, specially in the small towns, try to temporarily flee and shelter in the nearby major populations. The reason is that the imperious, inconsiderate and striking despotism of the jihadists, is joined by the heavy fires of their enemies, used during the recapture of the population. Both the military men and the rebel major groups prefer to avoid their losses and hurrying the eviction of the jihadists, using the aviation (only the government) and the artillery, if they have her. Even, the free flight hollow load antitanks missiles RPG-7V type (the poor artillery), launched in double or triple volleys, cause a devastating effect In the masonry or adobe buildings. This already would serve to make withdraw towards the town interior the security jihadists forces from their advanced and of observation positions, placed in the limits of the town or in adjacent points. And already finally, the military men, very occupied now, usually move back in a short time, to realize other missions; so, the constant, fluid and even reversible character of the irregular military operations; then, the jihadists can return and purge responsibilities. Because of it, many civilians think: «once and not more».

In Syria have proliferated the «groups of supporters» or bands of al-Qaeda. The reasons of which they have not been articulated in an only terrorist Syrian group are different. One is the distance and the lack of control and power of al-Qaeda’s «central core». This is the tails of her operational decentralization, which “the Network” is proud of and with what threatens to reach her timid enemies for half planet. The communist parties, specialists verified in the capture of the Power, always exhibited an ideological, operational and military monolithic unity, proper of warlike filled with enthusiasm monks, in their so called «national liberation fights» for three continents. Another reason is that these «separated brothers» hate between them. The egalitarianism derived from the brotherhood in the salafists sunnies doctrines, soon originates between the «equal ones», a purulent and contagious infection of envy, ill-will and rancor. And vice versa, the existence of a capable, just hierarchy, respected and accepted in an organization, favors the emulation and the ascent of many of the most capable members. A reason is also that the ambition, the audacity, the overflowing aggressiveness and the lack of scruples of his arms chiefs, sheiks, local maliks and peeled leaders, only are equalized by their scanty formation, a poor interpretive knowledge of the Koran and the Sunna and their broken military knowledge. Their first bitter enemy is neither the Army, nor the SFA or the self-defense militias of Kurds, Alauits, Christians or Druzes, according to the regions. Their more hated and fearful enemies are the commands of other jihadists groups of Syria. Because they are the most related, their rivals for the control and command, their competitors for the direction of the jihadist movement in Syria. This way, the foolishness (lack in the knowledge that supposes them and they need) of all the jihadists groups leads them to want to distribute the booty of war, before having put, at least, in reasonable conditions to aspire to conquer it.

On the other hand, touching already the strategies of the 2 groups pro al-Qaeda in Syria, the Front al-Nusrah seeks to establish only an «Islamic radical emirate» in Syria. The ISSIL, born in the guerrilla warfares fights in Iraq after 2003, wants to create a more extensive salafist caliphate. And to install it, for the moment, in Syria and Iraq. Though it has already done punishment assaults to the Lebanese Shiites, in response to Hezbola’s support to al-Assad. The first answers and goes in parallel to al-Qaeda’s strategy of favoring the creation and the functioning of national or regional «representative cores». That from his large physical distance and with the structural laxity of the Network, could be controlled by her, as for orders, strategies and operations and the use of the «al-Qaeda brand». But, the ISSIL looks for a functional independence and, probably also ideological, with «head office core» of the Network. Since it would act as a «leader operational command» in a supranational zone, which might include the whole southwest of Asia. This way, an administrator and absentee high headquarters would immediately be in the way to the ISSIL.

Ayman al-Zawahiri confirmed, as we said, the link of the Front al.-Nusrah with al-Qaeda and denied any relation with the ISSIL. And he had to intervene in other occasions to deprive al-Bagdadi of authority. «The ISSIL must be abolished, whereas the Islamic State of Iraq must continue working», al-Zawahiri declared In November, 2013. «Al-Bagdadi committed a mistake on having established the ISSIL without asking us for permission», and, continued, al-Golani the Syrian «has been wrong on having announced his rejection of the ISSIL, without our permission». Al-Zawahiri ordered then that the Islamic State of Iraq should circumscribe his operations to that country, whereas the Front al-Nusrah is “an independent branch of al-Qaeda, that reports before the general command (as a franchisee)». In addition, he recriminated both «brothers groups» for their violence acts against other Muslims. In response, and in spite that the original group «al-Qaeda in Iraq» (AQI) of Musab al-Zarkawi had sworn loyalty to al-Zawahiri, al-Baghdadi declared himself in rebellion towards him. Producing an important crisis of leadership in the Network, which they tried to relieve separating from al-Bagdadi. This could not less that debilitate the fight against al-Assad, as the jihadists groups were spreading in Syria and the army was centering towards the large populations. And during the recent clashes between the rebels, al-Golani offered to a mediation to the groups, which has not come to fruition, in order to give priority to plant face against al-Assad.




The explosive Taliban: from the Jihad to the Garden of the Houris, without scales.

The suicidal mujaidin is a personally advanced weapon (just look for who has nowadays the fearlessness of removing itself from life, defending some ideals and a prize at the Other Side), abundant, nearby and cheap. It possesses the highest «combat specific capacity», (according to the parameters established by colonel Trevor Dupuy, which refer to real values of the different armies, calculated in conflicts and wars): many military men, policemen and civil authorities of the enemy are definitive losses for each own loss. And speaking in terms of the universal good administration principle of the scanty available resources, his actions (as «investments») have also a high ROMI; or (military) return over this marginal investment. The suicidal jihadist optimizes this way his asymmetry with the weapon and the highly available enemies. This soldier of «one use» knows, takes advantage of his opportunity, decides and acts. Because he can be a hallucinated fanatic, but he is not an idiot. For his personal and ideological character, his effective action raises the moral, the conviction and the decision of his companions, collaborators and sympathizers. The islamist suicide «appreciates» this way his enemies. Because they are his infallible key to «going out under canopy from this Valley of Tears «.

The explosive fighter is a common weapon of the Talibans. If the explosive charge, her characteristics and the vector are suitable, the sophisticated enemy sensors and the protective jackets are of little use against he. And the armored vehicles and the buildings also do not serve to be protected from he. The “trigger carrying agent” can be man or woman and adult or child. And can cooperate in his suicide attack, a bushes, a goods stand, a donkey, a bicycle or an engine vehicle. A «suicidal fighter of one use», is not a select marksman: he is not necessary to train militarily (basic, technical and tactical knowledge). His other complementary, fearsome and almost unbeatable weapons are the surprise, the freedom of action and the initiative.

The aims preferred by the «explosives sworn-ins» are the enemy security forces, so much «unbelievers» as «traitors», and the Muslims belonging to the heterodox branch of the Islam (the Shiites and Alauites). To the enemy security forces they bring over disguised as recruits in formation, candidates for the enrollment, supplies personnel (outsourced services), companions, «collaborators» of the ISAF and civil innocent prominent figures. Their target is human always, because the property damages hurt less the regular enemy. And they are located in the policemen or the enemy armies agglomerations, in the barracks, recruitment centers and points of obliged and frequent passing and with motive of stops, farewells, ostentations and exhibitions, of those. To the Shiites they bring over taking advantage of their inevitable concentrations: the annual international peregrinations to his holy places, his stopping places in the different stages or the Fridays midday prayers, specially communities, in their mosques. Though the latter assaults take place rather in the bordering countries, Iraq (Shiite majority) and Pakistan (Sunni majority).

The great problem is that is very difficult to fight (to offset, stop or neutralize) against a few enemies, more or less isolated, determined to die and of another etnia and idiosyncrasy. And with the suicides this sharpens up to making it almost impossible to realize «a priori». Because they are combated with modern, technology and trained forces, prepared generally for wars of third generation. That would theoretically face similar forces or of the second generation. And their commands have almost as an unavoidable premise, preserve from physical (the principal thing), mental and moral hurts the men under their orders. The suicide must go unnoticed in the place chosen for the attack, by its age, genre, aspect and attitude. He has also to conceal perfectly his appliance and his equipment. To be able to approach his target and make exploit that one. His passport for the Garden of the Houris is to take with him the major number of dead and mutilated enemies.

The added human and material hurts to Muslims, caused around the explosion point, are “collateral damages”. The Sunnies jihadists looked for an overcomplicated, but sufficient «solution» in the practice, to ignore the Koranic rule «thou will not kill Muslims». On having lacked a clergy and an only religious doctrine, the interpretations of the Islam and, especially, his applications for the daily life, can be multiple. In effect, to calm the repugnances in producing them, an al-Qaeda «ideologist», Abu Yahya al-Libi, developed a «religious» theory about the «not looked hurt». According to her, is allowed to the militants jihadists to kill Muslims, when is inevitable. And, even, when it is useful. And the mujaidins express their desire that the collateral dead men, should also be considered by Allah as martyrs of his «holy war». And to believe this, comes very well to the fanatics who direct the groups and to the insanities fanatics that follow or support them.

The motivations of these “explosive sworn-ins” are simple. An effective material motivation is their chronic loss of the basic natural needs: sustenance, family, safety, refuge and cover, expectations and reasonable progress. It is an effective spur to induce the employment of the liberating violence by a part of the society, specially the idealistic young men. The «positive» motivation would be the economic prizes that Talibans give to the families of the martyrs. And these are so much the fallen in combat as the suicides. The religious motivation is the powerful mean of persuasion and conviction. The suicides of the Jihad are methodically and intensely catechized. The Koranic verses related with the Jihad, are known by heart by them. The other suicides «example» surrounds them in their daily life. In the way of photos, manuscripts, testimonial videos and destiny companions. Their preachers clarify their doubts and encourage them to prematurely reach the Paradise. That is destined specially to the martyrs of the Jihad. Everything is like to the initiation functioning of a toxic sect: that destroys the personality of the lowest members. The universal character of the Muslims’ community, facilitates the flow and the insertion of «internationalist voluntaries» suicidal fighters from other countries.

The operational key of the Taliban are their innumerable local chiefs, with their small bands of radical irregulars. They are the persons in charge of intimidating, teaching or catechizing, scaring, attacking and occupying more or less temporarily some of the numerous settlements and hamlets, on both sides of the border. The Taliban movement follows a constant elementary cycle of «teaching, training, supporting and delegating» between the small «sheiks» and his deputies. So that they obtain a certain rotation in the command and in its exercise. These local «maliks» are practically immune to the assault of the «drones» of the ISAF. That explore, attack the irregular enemy and execute his evident, it is supposed, out-standing commands.

The drones cannot follow and attack so many minuscule and evasive targets. From an enemy network that turns out to be profuse, diffuse and confused. They cannot substitute, as is claimed by extrapolation from a few first successes, the ground active and aggressive patrols of exploration or combat. That, together with the military units and the civic and political action groups, are destined to dispute and gain his “bases refuges” to the enemy and, later, the popular majority support. Like the «American saturation bombardments» could not cut the Route Ho Chi Minh, supplying the Vietcong and the regular North Vietnamese forces in the «zone demilitarized» and at the south of this. Going from North Vietnam across Eastern Laos to South Vietnam. And all was because their air attacks, were not accompanying a «ground action» over that Route. That was complementary, systematic and constant, not necessarily exhaustive, of the air action of pure attrition.

And waiting in peace death from sky does not scare, even not worry sufficiently the mentally normal people. This only happened to the imaginary chief of Asterix’s Gallic village. And is something like what Ramon Gómez de la Serna was saying to his acquaintances and less intimate friends in Buenos Aires: «Here I am, waiting for the cancer». The intimidating threat, which could change the conduct of an enemy chief, must be something real (that is tended to magnify), sufficient, felt and immediate or near. Like the sirens installed in the Stukas. In order that his precise diving bombardment terrifies in land all his possible human targets, which were not yet veterans. Or as the explosive mujaidins, whose behavior is for the enemy like a “gas”, without own volume or form and that can reach all the available sites.


If Plutarch was living today, surely he would write one of his «Parallel Lives» (one of two collections of his works), dedicated to trying and comparing the not crewed planes («death from above») and the suicidal yihadists («Allahu Akbar»). In effect, both are annoying and asymmetrical weapon, directed against the personnel and the mental and volitional factors of the enemy. That are not tactically decisive. And whose military effects are limited, but accumulative.

The Not Crewed Planes of exploration (reconnaissance) and ground recognition and of bombardment.

They are technologically advanced weapons, which began to develop several decades ago, destined to eliminate a minimum of «designated enemies», so much real as «ideological or potential «. And to minimizing the own losses. Which does irrelevant his economic cost for their rich owners. They have a highest effective range and are of the category of «intelligent». Though are not yet authorized to decide the moment to throw their missiles, once acquired the target. Their operational strategic use might be named the «War of the Drones».

The specific tasks that were distinguishing the CIA and the Pentagon, were intermingling during the first decade of the 21st century. This was owed to the operational and strategic failure of the USA in the long asymmetric wars of IV th generation (be read of guerrilla warfares and, be added or not, as be the hostiles, of national liberation) in Iraq and Afghanistan. Actions that they carried out after their short «armed conflicts» after 11/09/2001 against the masses armies (of second generation) of their tyrannical regimes. And using in them their trained and very technologically equipped forces (of III rd generation). Closed in false the Iraqi front and initiated the retreat in Afghanistan, the White House is endowing the CIA of more military means to give hunt to the salafists terrorists. So she has increased his drones or planes without crew fleet. And is considering to authorize an increase of the Pentagon’s spies’ network, to exercise a bigger control on the refuges of al-Qaeda in the Arabic peninsula and in the east and north of Africa.

These changes in the strategic and operational aims of the CIA and the Pentagon and the suitable endowment of means, culminated during the Barack Obama’s first mandate. The CIA has taken more active part in the eradication of the international jihadism, and has expanded notably his program of assaults with missiles thrown by drones. In the summer of 2011, Obama nominated the former director of the CIA, Leon Panetta, chief of the Pentagon. And the commander of the missions in Iraq and Afghanistan and chief of the Central military Command, David Petraeus, was nominated director of the CIA. Petraeus, before resigning 9/11/2012, for that of the erotic (his biographer) of the Power, asked Obama for a reinforcement of the drones fleet of the Agency. To be able to effect assaults beyond the habitual aims in Somalia, Yemen and Pakistan. The Agency and the Pentagon have their looks put in Mali and Libya, in view of the increase of the activity in the zone of the franchise «al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb”, the Ansar Dine group and the Anzawad’s Islamic Republic, seated at the north of Timbuktu. The tuaregs have changed his former employer Gaddafi for the salafists terrorists. To whom Gadafi accused of being his armed opposition. And that are destroying the universal heritage of Timbuktu, under the pretext that its monumental representations rival with Allah. Sources of the North American intelligence say that the drones fleet of the CIA does not excel 35 at the end of 2012 and Petraeus requested ten more.

The CIA has a list of «threats» to the USA, of which he has authorization to kill. In September, 2011 he got a famous success on having killed in Yemen the imam Anuar al-Aulaki, an American well-known personage of al-Qaeda. The Pentagon also has his «ist of authorized targets». That are checked every week by approximately 100 security analysts of the Administration. Their function is to recommend to the president the changes of names in the list. The procedure is semi officially called the «Tuesday of the terror» in the White House. The CIA and Joint Command of Special Operations of the Pentagon cooperate in many of these attacks. Their targets are supposed leaders and even simple militants of al-Qaeda and associate groups of jihadists. And the tactic is to exterminate them before they act. This is one more step in the foundations of the military doctrine of the USA. Determined for decades by the contradictory parameter of «not suffering losses in any war or conflict «.

The Obama’s «war of the drones» has much of «preventive» character”- before that crime has been committed–and the executions are summary, without judicial sentence. And ,for this reason, it supposes attributing the right to realize extra judicial executions in any part of the world. So, Obama’s right hand in this theme, John Brennan, a veteran of the CIA, is called the «Czar of the Assassins». The program «Death of the Sky» (Death from Above) is legitimized only » by the person of the president «. The executions are legal, because the president decides and arranges them. Obama has obtained with the drones a weapon to appear «hard and effective» in the fight against al-Qaeda, without turning out to be unpopular with the voters. But, according to Christopher Griffin, in an article published by «Rolling Stone», «Obama’s secret war supposes the major air offensive not driven by human beings, never realized in the military history». And paraphrasing Churchill, he adds «never so few had killed so many people by remote control».

The Administration does not admit explicitly the existence of the program of drones, for safety motives. Though the White House declares in her calculated filtrations, that the not searched victims are almost non-existent. Not all the analysts accept this “surgical precision” without authentic information, attributed to these assaults from well away the horizon. An important problem is that the drones terrify entire areas, with some of them flying a lot of time over the settlements. On the other hand, as is the case of Pakistan, the «basic information» for the creation of intelligence for the mission, is facilitated by the local paid people. That also offers false information. More important and controversial is the question of the euphemistically so called «collateral falls», as if they had less importance on having been caused by the imprecisions and the operational mistakes. Some assaults with drones have caused tens of civilians deaths, including women and children, as is the case of Saleh Mohammed al-Anbouri in Yemen in December, 2009. And only in Pakistan, according to The Guardian, the drones would have killed around 3000 persons, of which a third were clearly civil, between 2008 and 2011.

The assaults against the human aims are realized by missiles thrown from drones. Since 2002, the USA has realized almost 450 missions of this kind in Pakistan, Somalia and Yemen. President Obama authorizes the assaults in Somalia and Yemen. But he is consulted only about a third of the missions in Pakistan. Where the «operational at charge» decide on the basis of “general received orders”. The Pentagon also uses the drones in his operations of exploration and of assault in Afghanistan. The CIA has his principal role in Pakistan. Where exists internally an ambiguity calculated of the FFAA, the intelligence services (the ISI is the most important, with much) and the Government in the relations and preferences towards: his foreign ally, the USA, the Afghan Taliban and the Pakistani Taliban and the pashtunes tribes of the frontier zones, near the former Durand line, and the southern baluchis (the Baluchistan). A strategic national aim for Pakistan is to support an important, preferably decisive influence, in the internal Afghan matters. And a strategic military aim at the east of the country is to have monitored, controlled and neutralized his own Taliban and other hostile minor groups, at the east of Peshawar’s meridian, and without they act at the east of the Indus river.

George Bush’s strategic national doctrine established, but without being due explained, not accepted tacitly by both Parties, that «asymmetrical wars» (irregular and with low level of military means) were carried on and were necessary, to keep away from the American territories and those of his allies, the threats of the “foreign fundamentalist terrorism” of any origin, religion or ideology. This justified the post war occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan. But, with an exploded fiscal and exterior deficits and with a democrat Administration, is necessary for the USA to save more in military resources. To dedicate them «to constructing a nation here, at home». This way, the USA qualitatively lowers the bar of the exterior terror, putting al-Qaeda as almost the only not national violent enemy. This terrorist salafist internationalist «network», without own territory, with his operational chiefs known, fled and not wished as guests in a normal country, is a more attainable, adaptable and manageable aim for the American forces and means of «rapid punctual incursion».

This justifies the increase of the use of the drones, spy satellites, own or local agents in the hostile area, attacks with limited aim by elite small units and small expeditionary forces and units of Marines amphibious assault, transported in «ships of control and transport» of strategic projection with his naval escort. The deployments of tens of thousands of military men and his luggage and equipment for several years in a theater of operations, are rejected indefinitely by the new «doctrine» of the «diminishing defense». This way, the Pentagon has to operationally center on the counter terrorist tactics and technologies. And he seeks to reinforce his own espionage branch, the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA). The reason is simple and clear: as the CIA has been effective giving hunt to terrorists abroad, the Pentagon wants to be more like it, and less as an army at use, to adapt to the new aims and national strategies. In November, 2012, Panetta asked Obama to allows him to recruit 1600 new spies. It would double the size of the DIA. At the end of this month, the secretary of Defense declared that: «The campaign against al-Qaeda will take place out of “declared combat zones”. And using tactics that leave little track, with precision operations».

The principal not crewed planes are the Predator and the Reaper. And cost more than $13 millions of dollars per unit. The Pentagon possesses approximately 19000 for the tasks of espionage and combat. The CIA has his own fleet, with reserved information. The General Atomics makes the drones. Their weapon more devastating are the missiles AGM-114 Hellfire II, the Lockheed Martin. In October, 2012, the USA entrusted 24000 missiles for his use and that of allied authorized countries. There exist the variants of antitank hollow load (HEAT), antipersonnel (with diverse types of explosion and fragmentation, reinforced or not) and with self guided (fire and forget). Each one weighs 47 Kg., with 20 % of useful load (warhead), it is guided by laser with diverse technologies and has a range of 8 Km. The effect of a volley of several of them on a block of houses of adobe or masonry is devastating. But it guarantees the elimination of the human selected target.

The equipment of the base is very simple and highly elaborated: the remote control of the drones, several screens and a pedal, in front to the ergonomic chairs of the pilots. The drones have cameras that transmit their views to the pilots in land. A deliberate observation precedes an assault. The pilot of the drone and the controller of the camera, which form one «killer team», observe to his «designated aim» during the whole day, checking his activities. The assault would be realized when, for example, his family has gone shopping. In fact, all the «teams» talk about an «established intimacy» with the Afghan families, observed during up to weeks. Thing that, for example, the foreign soldiers of the ISAF on the area would not know. Neither it seems, according to the medical statistical studies realized, that the pilots and observers were affected by the enemies dead in an important way. Also they reject that their work is like a video game. Though some of them argue that they do not know any video game that is required to observe the aim for hours.

The US Air Force of the Pentagon possesses more than 1300 drones pilots, being employed at 13 bases in the USA. And he would need at once approximately 300 more, at least. The majority of the military missions are in Afghanistan. The Pentagon calculates that for 2015, the Air Force will have to count with 2000. Already he trains more pilots for drones that for the conventional flights: 350 in 2011. And from 2012 the formation is specific for them: the pilots only pass 40 hours on board of a Cessna, without flying in fighters or bombers, learning to direct a drone. The chief of the Air Force HHQQ, general Norton A. Schwartz, recognized that the pilots of drones might overcome the classic ones in the next years. The halo and the combat pilot’s profession change for that of “armchair screen viewer civil servant”. And air bases in the USA increasingly stop dealing with traditional flights «to «direct» drones.

In November, 2011, after an assault with drones in the border with Afghanistan, where died at least 24 Pakistanis soldiers of a control fort, Pakistan blocked the way of the logistic convoys of the NATO following the routes of Khyber and Shaman to Afghanistan, from Peshawar. They are two crucial routes in order that the soldiers of the ISAF, that have used them during the last 10 years of asymmetric combats, receive fuels, equipments, provisions and military material. The Pakistani Defense minister, Ahmad Mukhtar, indicated at the end of 2011, that they might reopen them to the ISAF, if they pay for it. And, according to sources of the Pentagon, Pakistan forced them to dismantle also a platform of drones installed in a base in the southwest of the country, principally manned by the CIA. Washington lost temporarily one of his more powerful weapon: the permission to throw missiles from the not driven planes against the insurgents in the provinces of the northwest of Pakistan, tactics that generalized there from 2008. In turn, Panetta, also indicated then that the USA is «coming to the limit of his patience» with Pakistan,»for his disability to act against the armed groups in the tribal zones». At the beginning of 2013 the drones pulverized the so called mullah Nazir in the province Pakistani of Southern Waziristan (in the tribal zones). The volley of rockets thrown to reach him, also killed two of his more nearby collaborators, Rafey Khan and Atta Ullah, who were accompanying him in the vehicle. Already the USA had previously realized several assaults to finish with his life. This guy belonged to the «neutral» Taliban in Pakistan. And, at least, it was giving cover, helps and logistic support to the members of al-Qaeda and to the Afghan Taliban, who operated at the other side of the border. And probably he was a collaborator of Pakistani «authorities» during some long periods. It is confirmed by the fact that in November, 2012 Nazir was object of an unsuccessful suicide attack at Wana’s market, the provincial capital.

In a declassified report of the Central Command of the Pentagon, published in December, 2011, is assured that «the catalyst of the assault was the opening fire by the PAKMIL (the Pakistani Army)”. But are added that «the cooperation and collaboration in the border were disabled by a mutual distrust climate»; that the orders given by the NATO «were lacking clarity and precision», and that the goal of the mission was «inadequate». The final result was that the Marines’ James Mattis, in charge of the Central Command, ordered a series of changes in the protocols for the frontier operations. And, would not it be that for routine and lack of commitment with the missions, those which existed were not fulfilled well? Finally, bureaucracy will kill the initiative and the inventiveness. And it will turn out that, as with the black greyhound of the Han Chinese, when, being tied, he was asked to catch unattainable hares…

The mutual distrust exists in all the cooperation areas between the USA and Pakistan. Since both countries were sealing an alliance after 11-S, to fight al-Qaeda, the Congress of the USA has sent $ 20000 millions as «economic aid» to Islamabad. The real and practical results of this «alliance» are lean and scanty and the loyalty of Pakistan to the interests of the USA, for which this collaboration is paid, is questionable. Because Pakistan keeps his firm loyalty to the aims of his great or national strategy. Several members of the USA Congress asked for a change of approach in his relations in this geostrategic region. The representative to the Chamber, Duncan Hunter, declared that «Afghanistan needs economic and political stability, to guarantee that the victory of the USA is lasting. And the relation between the USA and Afghanistan must be also a point of interest, not only for the future of Afghanistan, but for the whole region». And Frank Wolf indicated: «It is clear that to manage to triumph in Afghanistan, we must solve first a series of problems in Pakistan. To obtain a military victory in Afghanistan is a thing, but our general success depends on more factors».

The authorities of Pakistan and Yemen, allied of the United States against al-Qaeda, have protested several times, so much for the violation of theirs sovereignties with war actions, as for the death of people who did not have any relation with the conflict. And they warn that this war carried out secretly, destabilizes them and gives arguments to the jihadists.

(to be continued)