Introducción general.

Tras un inicio beligerante y expansivo, el Islam se había establecido dentro de largas y lejanas fronteras. Que incluían extensos territorios, situados en los tres continentes conocidos, en sus partes más destacadamente activas y medulares.

Tocaba ya un alto para realizar una reflexión y un debate interno doctrinales. Que interpretase y adaptase hacia el tiempo, toda la revelación islámica. Que entonces estaba contenida en el Corán, los hadises del Profeta (sus hechos y dichos verificables) y el comportamiento de los salaf o antecesores del Islam, los musulmanes primitivos y piadosos. Es el trabajo de organización ideológica del Islam y la comunidad de creyentes. Y conforma una segunda Revolución en el Islam.

Surgen pronto las escuelas islámicas, los núcleos de trabajo ideológico y su proyección social. Que se vertebran en torno a grupos de creyentes y estudiosos, que vivían en los principales entornos de dar al-Islam. Estas escuelas partieron y elaboraron en un principio los criterios e ideas que mantenían sus convecinos pensadores. En una época de difíciles comunicaciones, ellas representaban y reunían las expresiones y las vivencias de los musulmanes de diversos orígenes y razas. A los que se añadieron las aportaciones de viajeros musulmanes eminentes, que recorrieron los focos ideológicos del Islam desde al-Andalus hasta Bagdad.

Todo ello era repensado, consultado, debatido y decidido por los miembros de la escuela, sus colaboradores y algunos destacados pensadores del país o la región. Así, fueron creando cuerpos de doctrina diferentes por sus distintos orígenes, para iluminar y dirigir el ideario y las actuaciones de la Umma. Y para proyectar, con mayor o menor intención y resultado, hacia el futuro siempre cambiante y desconocido, un instrumento ideológico que garantice y permita una evolución adaptativa y rigurosa del Islam.

Hazrat Imam Shafi'i - Al Hakam

En esta eclosión anímica y espiritual, ocurrida apenas un siglo después de la muerte de Mahoma, concentrando todas sus energías humanas, los musulmanes también se dedicaron a traducir al árabe todo el saber de la época (siglos VII y VIII). Así, fundaron bibliotecas y se entregaron al estudio del conocimiento universal y a aprenderlo (de aprehendere, coger). Elevando así sus ciencias y humanidades a una posición de preponderacia total, que conservarían durante unos 350 años, hasta el siglo XII.

Una razón fundamental de este florecimiento cultural del Islam fue su carácter multinacional, global. Ya vimos que, una vez establecidas las incorporaciones de países y regiones a dar al-Islam, existió al principio una amplia tolerancia sobre las vidas de los nuevos súbditos. Esto explica también la falta de rebeliones importantes y de resistencias internas contra los musulmanes en los territorios neoconversos de dar al-Islam. Las cuales hubieran gravado y lastrado terriblemente el inmenso esfuerzo de extensión del Islam por el mundo conocido. Así, la comunidad cultural islámica asumió, incorporó y sintetizó en su quehacer específico, las aportaciones de toda clase de culturas y razas. Y esto también derivó en el respeto y el apoyo material que brindaron los musulmanes a esa cultura humanista que crearon.

Expansió i evolució històrica de l'Islam-

Además, desde el surgimiento de las 3 principales escuelas ideológicas sunníes, cobró fuerza el principio del esfuerzo de reflexión personal, el ichtihad, en el Islam. El ichtihad permitió el desarrollo de la civilización árabe, tanto en lo tocante a los aspectos civiles (ciencias, comercio, literatura, arte), como al enriquecimiento de su ideología (es la base de jurisconsultos como al-Chafii). El ichtihad era fuente de lucidez, creatividad, enriquecimiento, progreso y paz en el camino del esfuerzo personal y colectivo hacia Dios (esto es el auténtico núcleo y la razón del Islam), cuando ya la Umma se había extendido y multiplicado enormemente por todo el mundo conocido.

Por cierto, a ese esfuerzo realmente religioso, místico, se le llama la Yihad Mayor (en el camino de Allah). A diferencia del puramente militar, que es solamente una Yihad menor, para seguir ese camino…

Todo este exuberante desarrollo ideológico constituyó la segunda Transformación del Islam.

Origen, necesidad y transmisión de la Tradición islámica.

Las historias transmitidas oralmente de “las costumbres y los dichos” (la Sunna) de Mahoma, se transformaron pronto en escritos. Que fueron, a su vez, objetos de grandes recopilaciones. A cada narración o comentario escrito se le llama hadith o hadís. El término también se usa para referirse a la generalidad de ellos. La longitud de los hadises es muy variable, según el tema del escrito. Más interesante y definitorio para nosotros es su inteligente estructura interna. Ésta los caracteriza y da fe de su verosimilitud. En cada hadís se suele exponer primero la “cadena de la transmisión” hasta su escritura o la comprobación de ella, desde su origen oral, con la figura del “transmisor”. Hoy en día le llamaríamos a esto la trazabilidad histórica. Son de primera importancia como “transmisores” de los hadises, Aixa o A’,isa, la segunda esposa y preferida del Profeta, y Alí, su sobrino. Luego, viene el contenido de la narración o el comentario, llamado el “matn”.

Aixa - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre

El Corán en el capítulo 4, versículo 59, garantiza y concede un poder especial de decisión y de explicación al Profeta o Enviado de Dios y a los soberanos, sucesores o califas musulmanes, que son los que detentan la autoridad en la Umma. Esto explicaría y justificaría la necesidad de una interpretación cualificada, prevista por Allah, para la aplicación práctica del Corán a lo largo de la geografía y la historia de los pueblos. Con Mahoma actuando como intérprete, como “intermediario” excepcional y privilegiado de Allah.

Ali Ibn Abi Tálib - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre

Existen cientos de miles de hadises que han llegado hasta nosotros. Y entre ellos aparecen numerosas contradicciones. Además, su texto total es excesivo para haberse comentado o dicho y vivido o realizado por Mahoma. Incluso empleando para ello toda su vida. Desde casi el principio, los propios exégetas y apologistas del Islam vieron esto. Los hadises corrían el riesgo de convertirse en una cadena de mitos, cuentos tribales embellecidos y realidades más o menos conservadas de una Tradición vaporosa e insegura del Profeta. Y se estableció pronto un sistema de crítica del “isinad” o transmisión, para garantizar la calidad del contenido propiamente dicho o “matn” de los hadises como Tradición escrita.

Las escuelas ideológicas sunníes.

Desde el surgimiento de las 3 principales escuelas ideológicas sunníes, cobró fuerza el principio del esfuerzo de reflexión personal, el ichtihad, en el Islam. El ichtihad va a permitir el desarrollo de la civilización árabe, tanto en lo tocante a los aspectos civiles (ciencias, comercio, literatura, arte) como al enriquecimiento de su ideología; es la base de jurisconsultos como al-Chafii. El ichtihad es fuente de lucidez, creatividad, enriquecimiento, progreso y paz en el camino del esfuerzo personal y colectivo hacia Dios (esto es el auténtico núcleo y la razón del Islam), cuando ya la Umma se ha extendido y multiplicado enormemente por el mundo.

Abu Hanifa | The Asian Age Online, Bangladesh

Abu Hanafi, un iraní muerto en Kufa, ciudad al sur de Bagdad, en el 767, estableció la escuela hanafi.Esta escuela se destaca en el rigor en la selección de los hadises de Mahoma. Y acepta el empleo del istihsan o aprobación personal, como criterio para la conducta social. Está extendida por Egipto, Turquía Jordania, Siria, Afganistán, Paquistán, India, Bangla Desh y los territorios turcomanes de Asia Central (ex-repúblicas soviéticas). El hanafismo fue la doctrina oficial musulmana del Imperio Otomano.

La escuela maliki fue fundada por Malik ben Anas, que murió en Medina en el 795. La doctrina se convirtió en el rito de los musulmanes del Oeste y Norte de África. Ella consideraba que seguía la práctica musulmana de Medina. Y que era la más auténtica, por ser la de la llamada ciudad del Profeta y de los cuatro primeros califas que le sucedieron, los Rashidun. En su versión, Malik aplicó el criterio de la utilidad, cuando no existían textos seguros, para defender la razón, la religión, las personas, las familias y los bienes.

Malik ibn Anas - Alchetron, The Free Social Encyclopedia

La escuela más abierta y flexible, la chafií, fundada por el palestino al-Chafii, muerto en El Cairo en el 820 a la edad de 53 años, abrió una puerta esperanzadora a la evolución pacífica del Islam. Esta corriente acepta el “consenso de los sabios” de la comunidad o Umma y el razonamiento analógico o qiijas, como vías correctas inspiradas para la adaptación del Islam a todos los tiempos y lugares. Partiendo de su “origen rural, analfabeto, pobre, medieval y rodeado de hostiles y barbarie”.

Al shafi`i poster with others

Es de señalar que, teniendo en común y en la esencia de sus pensamientos al Corán y a la tradición del Profeta, las cuatro escuelas ideológicas partían un fuerte ideario común. Así, fue siempre admisible, sobre todo en los origenes, que los musulmanes cambiasen de escuela de pensamiento.





The salafist Ideology.

Salafism, from «salaf«, predecessor or ancestor, is the other ideological school of the Islam. As salaf, the Muslims call Mohammed and his disciples: the first four caliphs and the next two generations. The expansion of the Islam in the 7th century assumes to the purity of his faith. Since this brought them the Allah’s favor and support.

Since then, whenever the Moslem societies are sufering an economic, political or social crisis, prominent figures will arise that will praise a return to the Islam of the Salaf. Ibn Hanbal, in the 9th century, gives a literal interpretation of the Islam, based in recovering the ancestors and in the condemnation to the ideological innovations. Ibn Taymiyya resorted equally to her in the 14th century, when the Middle East was suffering the Mongolians invasions. These would be the initiators of this current or school.

The Imam, Ahmad Bin Hanbal - Alchemiya

The salafist currents are renaissance movements of the Islam, through the return to the original faith, that of the «pious predecessors«. They reject everything that identify as «human interpretations after the revelation of the Prophet«. They are radical reformists movements, which condemn the practices of the «popular Islam« (accused of being superstitions) and great part of the ideological Moslem thought, considered as carrier of «innovations». That is to say, «creations of the human reason«, that move away from the divine message. The salafists reject in turn the influence of the Western civilization, particularly the democracy, the relativism and the laity, that «corrupt the Moslem faith«.

Was Ibn Taymiyyah the spiritual father of jihadists? - Teller Report

The salafists become emancipated of the tradition founded by the 3 sunnis canonical schools. And they invent another Islam, which they affirm is founded on the Coran and the Sunna. Also they seek to imitate Mohammed in all the acts of the daily life, included the way of eating or dressing.

The wahhabism or the salafism at the political Power.

The modern salafists begin with the preaching of the Arabic ulema Mohamed Ibn Abdul Wahhab (1703-1792). Who thought that the decline of the Moslem countries opposite to the West, ensues from the oblivion of the original message of the Islam. Ibn Abdul Wahhab preaches the literal and puritanical reading of the Islam, following the Hanbalist and Ibn Taymiyya traditions. Searching for «the correct way of acting in the teachings of the pious predecessors». His sermons were not well received and was expelled from his natal locality, in the Nejd region. He went to Diriyah’s city and there formed an alliance with the sheikh Mohamed ibn Saud, founder of Saud’s House. Ibn Saud promulgated the idea of the «wahhabí» Islam as the official way of practising the Islam in the country. For his part, al-Wahhab gave the religious legitimacy to Ibn Saud in his conquest of Arabia.

muhammad-bin-abdul-wahab – Vridar
Ulema Mohamed Ibn Abdul Wahhab

Finally, in 1902, the emir Abdul Aziz ibn Saud reconquered Riyadh. In 1924 occupied Mecca and Medina and in 1932, all the Saudi Arabia. This was giving them the control on the Hajj, the annual pilgrimage to the Muslim Sacred Places and the opportunity to preach the wahhabism to the pilgrims from all the countries. But, the wahhabism was a minor current of the Islam until 1938, when the oil reserves were discovered in the zone. The immense incomes from this new wealth gave a great impetus to his ideological expansion for the world.

The imans near to the Saudi regime, reject the jihadist way, that tries to impose a Moslem regime by means of the violent and revolutionary action. On having considered it to be condemned to the failure. One of his great figures, from the 60s up to his death in 1999, the sheikh Mohamed Nasiruddin al-Alabani, was declaring that «nowadays, it forms part of the good politic, to leave the politic». For al-Albani it was necessary to follow a strategy of purification of the education: on one hand, to regenerate the faith, purifying it of ideological «innovations», that remove it from his origins; and to educate the Muslims in this regenerated faith, in order that they leave his religious «corrupt» practices.

Pin on Y Chromosome
Sheikh Mohamed Nasiruddin al-Alabani

The «Jihadist salafism» or Qutbism.

This current of the school makes the Jihad one of his activity centers. The jihadism seek to accelerate the liberation of the Moslem countries of any foreign occupation. It is based on Sayyid Qutb’s ideas, a theoretic and revolutionary born within the Moslem Brothers. He was sure that the Western Society was sick with individualism and ungodliness. And the Moslem countries would suffer the same thing, if they were influenced by West. And affirmed that the actual Moslem regimes were apostates, on having applied lay laws, instead of the Sharia.

sayyid-qutb | tarnmoor
Sayyid Qutb

Qutb‘s thought was one of the principal influences in the sects Muslims’ Society or Excommunnication (takfir) and Hegira (migration), arisen in 1969 in the bosom of the Moslem Brothers in Egypt, and in al-Qaeda, and his leaders, Ayman al-Zawahiri and Osama Ben Laden. Sayyid Qutb, was detained, judged and executed at August 29, 1966, for planning the murder of the president Nasser. After his death, the Muslims Brothers evolved towards organization and fight forms inside the existing political system.

The actual salafist jihadism is born in the 80s, during the Afghanistan’s war against the Soviet occupation. The salafists jihadists arrived from Saudi Arabia met the Moslem Brothers. It drove them to adopt the political speech of the Moslem Brothers and to restoring in it the salafistst preaching of Sayyid Qutb.


The practice praised by the salafistas introduced a strong ingredient of instability and of violence, still physical, between the Muslims and, therefore, between their ideological schools. That was depending and was a function of the antagonistic contradictions (insoluble in a pacific synthesis) that in every historical stage were generating and appearing in the Umma or in located parts of her and in the borders with the hostile peoples. The practical result was that the armed way became consubstantial and intermittently, in the mean of defense and spread of the Faith for many Muslims.

And though only a minimal percentage supports her nowadays and still they are less those who apply it, this conduct, as the red of the blood, turns out to be showy before all the men. That by extension and ignorance, attribute it to the totality of the Moslem community or Umma.

In addition, the sword is an enemy of the pen and of the abstract or scientific ideas. Or, at least, it fades and suffocates them. Though Mohammed already warned it in a hadis: «The ink of the pens is sometimes more useful for the Umma that the blood of the martyrs». At about the 5th century of the Hegira, our 11th century, the ideologists, in a political decision, closed the door to the ichtihad. And the methodological Islamic approach altered. From then, it was imitated, it was repeating itself, it was abused with the compendiums. There got lost the curiosity, the scientific personal effort, the flexibility, the intercommunication of studies and results. And, finally, since it could not be less, this ideological crystallization, moved also to the Moslem arts and sciences, that started a long declining.

This way, this second Transformation of the Islam remained largely frustrated and faded. By the new outcrop of the «minor Yihad», which constituted the first Transformation of the Islam. And that turned out to be completed and profitable with the incredible extension of the Islam in the known world in something more that one century. This reappearance of the first Transformation of the Islam, which was the use of the force for the extension and the implantation of a monotheistic religion, would turn into a complex, multiple, repetitive and violent action throughout the following centuries. Creating effusions of blood and spreading stertors of childbirth for different and numerous countries. On having searched with a new birth of the first Transformation of the Islam, the solution of the inevitable crises (for being vicissitudes of the personal and colectives lives) of the Muslims with the unfaithfuls or their chiies separated brothers…

Creating a permanent civil war, with a rosary of truces, within Islam, within the Umma, between Shiites and Sunnis.




General Introduction.

After a belligerent and expansive beginning, the Islam had established inside long and distant borders. That included extensive territories, placed in three known continents, in his parts more out-standing active and fundamental.

It was already time to realize a reflection and an internal doctrinal debate. That was interpreting and adapting towards the future, the whole Islamic revelation. That then was contained in the Koran, the hadises of the Prophet (his verifiable facts and sayings) and the behavior of the salaf or predecessors of the Islam, the primitive and pious Muslims. It is the work of ideological organization of the Islam and the believers’ community. And it shapes a second Transformation in the Islam.

There arise soon the Islamic schools, the cores of ideological work and his social projection. That vertebran around groups of believers and experts, who were living in the principal environments of dar al-Islam. These schools commenced and elaborated in a beginning the criteria and ideas that his neighbouring thinkers were mantaining. In an epoch of difficult communications. They were representing and assembling the expressions and the experiences of the Muslims of diverse origins and races. To that were added the contributions of Moslem eminent travelers, who traveled the ideological centers of the Islam from al-Andalus up to Baghdad.

All this was rethought, consulted, debated and decided by the members of the school, his collaborators and some out-standing thinkers of the country or the region. This way, they were creating different teaching corps by his different origins, to illuminate and direct the ideology and the actions of the Umma. And to project, with major or minor intention and result, towards the future, always changeablly and unknown, an ideological instrument that guarantees and allows an adaptative and rigorous evolution of the Islam.

Hazrat Imam Shafi'i - Al Hakam

In this mental and spiritual emergence, happened only one century after the death of Mohammed, concentrating all their human energies, the Muslims also devoted themselves to translate to the Arab all the knowledge of the epoch (VIIth and VIIIth century). This way, they founded libraries and submitted to the study of the universal knowledge and to apprehend it (from “aprehendere”, to grasp). Raising this way his humanities and sciences to a position of total preponderance, which they would preserve for 350 years, up to the 12th century.

A fundamental reason of this cultural bloom of the Islam was his multinational, global character. Already we saw that, once established the incorporations of countries and regions to dar al-Islam, existed initially a broad tolerance over the lives of the new subjects. This way, the cultural Islamic community took up, incorporated and synthesized in his specific task, the contributions of all kinds of cultures and races. And this also derived in the respect and the material support that the Muslims offered to this humanist culture that they created.

Expansió i evolució històrica de l'Islam-

In addition, from the emergence of the 3 principal ideological sunnis schools, gathered strength the principle of the personal reflection effort, the ichtihad, in the Islam. The ichtihad allowed the development of the Arabic civilization, so much as for the civil aspects (sciences, trade, literature, art), as for the enrichment of his ideology (it is the base for lawyers like al-Chafii). The ichtihad was a source of brilliancy, creativity, enrichment, progress and peace in the way of the personal and collective effort towards Allah (this is the authentic core and the reason of the Islam). When already the Umma had spread and enormously multiplied all over the known world.

Certainly, this really religious, mystical effort, is called the Major Yihad (in Allah’s way). Unlike to the purely military one, which is only a minor Yihad, to follow this way… All this exuberant ideological development constituted the second Transformation of the Islam.

Origin, need and transmission of the Islamic Tradition.

The histories orally transmitted of «the customs and sayings» (the Sunna) of Mohammed, transformed soon in writings. That were, in turn, objects of great summaries. Each story or written comment is called the hadith or hadis. The term also is used to refer to the generality of them. The length of the hadises is very variable, according to the topic of the writing. More interesting and definer for us is his intelligent internal structure. This characterizes them and gives faith of their verisimilitude. In each hadis is usually first exposed the «transmission chain» up to its writing or the checking of her, from his oral origin, with the figure of the «transmitter«. Nowadays, we would call this the historical traceability. They are of first importance as «transmitters» of the hadises, Aixa or A’, isa, the second and preferred wife the Prophet, and Ali, his cousin and son-in-law. Then, there comes the content of the story or the comment, called the «matn«.

Aixa - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre


The Koran in the chapter 4, verse 59, guarantees and grants a special power of decision and of explanation to the Prophet or Envoy of God and to the sovereigns, successors or Moslem caliphs, who are those who hold the authority in the Umma. This would explain and justify the need of a qualified interpretation, foreseen by Allah, for the practical application of the Koran along the geography and the history of the peoples. With Mohammed acting as interpreter, as exceptional and privileged «intermediary» of Allah.

Ali Ibn Abi Tálib - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre


There exist hundreds of thousands of hadises that have come up to us. And between them numerous contradictions appear. In addition, the total text is excessive for have commented or saying and lived or realized by Mohammed. Even using for it all his life. From almost the beginning, the own exegetas and apologists of the Islam saw this. The hadises were in the risk of turning into a chain of myths, tribal embellished stories and realities more or less preserved from a vaporous and insecure Tradition of the Prophet. And soon was established a critique system of the «isinad» or transmission. To guarantee in strict sense the quality of the content or «matn» of the hadises, as written Tradition.

The sunni ideological schools.

Abu Hanafi, an Iranian died in Kufa, city at the south of Baghdad, in 767, established the hanafi school. This school is outlined in the rigor in the selection of Mohammed’s hadises. And she accepts the employment of the istihsan or personal approval, as criterion for the social conduct. It is extended in Egypt, Turkey, Jordan, Syria, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Bangla Desh and the turkishmens territories of Central Asia (ex-soviet republics). The hanafism was the official Moslem doctrine of the Ottoman Empire.

Abu Hanifa | The Asian Age Online, Bangladesh                                               IMAM ABU HANAFI

The maliki school was founded by Malik ben Anas, who died in Medina in 795. The doctrine turned into the rite of the Muslims of the West and North of Africa. She regarded that was following the Moslem practice of Medina. And that was the most authentic, for being that the so called city of the Prophet and of the first four caliphs, the Rashidun. In his version, Malik applied the criterion of the usefulness, when sure texts did not exist, to defend the reason, the religion, the persons, the families and the goods.

Malik ibn Anas - Alchetron, The Free Social Encyclopedia

                                           IMAM MALIK BEN ANAS

The most opened and flexible school, the chafii, founded by the Palestinian al-Chafii, died in Cairo on 820 at the age of 53 years, opened an encouraging door for the pacific evolution of the Islam. This current accepts the «consensus of the sages of the Umma» and the analogical reasoning or qiijas, as correct inspired routes for the adjustment of the Islam to all the times and places. Departing from his original «rural, illiterate, poor and medieval origin and surrounded of hostiles and barbarism«.

Al shafi`i poster with others

It worth indicating that, having jointly and in the essence of his thoughts the Koran and the tradition of the Prophet, the three ideological schools had a strong common ideology. This way, it was always admissible, especially in the origins, that the Muslims were changing its school of thought.


The Tactical or Operational Success. Its Signs. 2nd. Part.


The Signs of Tactical or Operational Success related to the Physical and Environmental Support:

Land transitability will be neutral or favorable to the operation.

Transitability is the geographical (superficial or spatial) dimension where military actions take place. It is principally framed by the superficial capacity of an area to support certain means or military capacities and their movements. It is completed today in a spatial dimension, by the range of heavy fire and aircrafts.

It has independent and absolute functions, as are the passing of specific points during a period of time, the time it takes to travel the distance between them and the not superficial simultaneity of military means. These refer on the transitability, related to how the Nature and obstacles interact with operations. Transitability also has relative functions that are generally dependent on geography. These are more concretely determined by the availability and quality of roads, railways and fluvial nets (urbanized geography), the climate, the hydrology, the orography, the season and meteorology and the hour of the day (physical geography). These functions change with different national and regional surfaces.

Transitability determines the facility or physical difficulty for rapidly maneuvering and, in consequence, determines the total time of an operation, in the phases of execution through the successive «cycles of action«. Roads and railroad networks are the most suitable physical support to obtain low times of execution in operations or high «tempos». Their transitability characteristics will be their availability in the operations zone, the road surface resistance, the traffic saturation conditions and the “narrow or critical” points existing in the ways networks and their “continuity traveling cuts”.

Roads that support a good advance pace are problematic, as outside of developed countries pave roads are uncommon. More often it is the case that a terrain is untransitable as an operational element and will require units to physically struggle in order to going on. The channels, the rivers, as continuity cuts, constitute another relative conditioner of the transitability of a zone. On one hand, they constitute an almost inevitable restraint of the impulse of maneuver. In effect, in almost any direction that follows an operational route during sufficient Kilometers, it ended up confronting the crossing of a natural or artificial water obstacle. The bridges that surpass them, as part of a road network, not always will exist or be at hand. Given the present amphibious means, the main obstacle to the transit will be offered by the water flows banks. It will be necessary to consider the slope of both banks and the characteristics of resistance, adherence, consistency, etc. of them and of their immediate approach grounds.

Resultado de imagen de MILITAR traveling grounds

One can try to use the superficial dimension, or even the spatial one, to improve transitability in different cases when good conditions do not exist. The first leads to employ a cross country mechanized formation, supported logistically. This was the imagined ideal of strategists and tacticians in the 1930s. On one hand, the best all-field or tracked vehicle moves better along a highway than across a field. For a given useful load weight, all-field or tracked vehicles have more tare than wheels vehicles. For total given weights, vehicles on tracks and on wheels that advance cross country have greater wears, more breakdowns and more fuel consumption than those that travel on highways.

Resultado de imagen de MILITAR river fording

This raises a double economic and logistic inconvenience, whose solution is very difficult. For this reason, it is ideal to operate along steady surfaces and using the railroad up to a bit more than one hundred kilometers to the front or the enemy. And to fight cross-country, taking advantage of shooting cover sectors, concealment and so on. Using the tactical characteristics of the field. Specially, rolling grounds that favor the mechanized fighting.

The spatial dimension also encompasses the impossibility, like that of saturated ground roads, of the simultaneous arrival of numerous aircraft at a given point. Or the airships fly in row, arriving at the same time, but laterally extended or they go in line to unload or arrive successively in a «single» operations point. The helicopters give more concentrated results than those of the airplanes, but these have more lifting and ordnance capacity.

Resultado de imagen de Military airborne falling

The effects of climate, season, hour, and hemisphere are superposed on these conditions, worsening or mitigating them. Orography affects transitability when it make difficult the construction of a road layout and when it increases the slope that military marches must cross. The cross-sectional passing of “height lines” can become impassable, except by defiles or mountain ports. Which create bottlenecks that collapse the maneuver impulse and prevent the deployments of the units that cross them. Fights at heights have a generic “gravity center” in order to control these passages.

Resultado de imagen de urban warfare city A RESOLUTE ENEMY  IS STILL WAITING YOU OVER THERE

When “height gradient” diminishes there exists a less evident, but more frequent and very important factor, which is the «drop». “Drop» refers to height variations of a few meters up to dozens of meters in relation to the surroundings. It appears in cross-country running, in areas of more or less waviness, in broken areas and even in roadways sections. It has also an expression in urban zones, both residential and industrial. As well as buildings, houses and facilities form «relative concealing heights«. These generate protection and danger, opportunities and risks. And are the urban expression of the «drop». The forest is a special variant of this case, with obstacles and shorts views for both enemy forces.

Urbanized or industrial zones shape numerous parallel, transverse and interweaving «drop» lines. They channel all military effort in the mentioned zones, generating innumerable «interfaces of action» with the enemy. That are frequently determined under surprise conditions. These zones definitively paralyze the impulse of the units and generate attrition (in military means) and wear (in logistical terms) disproportionate to the results obtainable by their occupation.


The Will of Defense of a Society. 2nd Part.


And the Strategy, the Operational Strategy and the Tactics, as Levels of its Military Actuation.


The Levels of Military Actuation.

The first level of activity in the defense of a society is called national strategy or, also, in a some antiquated form, great strategy. In it are included the economic and diplomatic resources of the State. As part of the resources of a nation to get his great strategics aims in a war.

Resultado de imagen de montesquieu  THE BARON OF MONTESQUIEU.


Military Strategy, or simply Strategy, in a great second level of activity, refers to the definition of the larger aims of a war, of an operations theater or of a campaign, including the distribution of the generally scanty military resources used to fulfill them.

Tactics refers to the ideal execution of the combats with an enemy, who opposes with armaments, to the achievement of our strategic aims.

Between strategy and tactics exists an essentially practical space of prominent activity, called the operational level or operational strategy. Its mission is to optimize tactics and the means available in a campaign and in the theater of operations. As such, it defines and conceptualizes the battles, marches, etc., both the military operations and its correct succession, according to those decisive aims. It provides the tactics and the decision, a transcendence far beyond of the pursuit and the tactical exploitation of success. That is to say, operational strategy employs tactics as an essential instrument, combining them to achieve the ultimate objectives to which they are orientated and dedicated to achieving, forming then part of its strategic nature.


Thus, the operational strategy defines its own aims in the theater or in the campaign of action, which are the incapacity and disorganization of the enemy by exploiting his strategic and operational vulnerabilities. The first is orientated to reducing the enemy’s combat capacity, seeking to functionally or positionaly disable it, while protecting own’s combat capacity. The second is get by occupying or destroying the enemy’s critical vulnerabilities in the operations zone.

Resultado de imagen de refinería de petróleo OIL REFINERY: SYMBOL OF THE ECONOMIC STRENGTH OF A MODERN SOCIETY.


The critics vulnerabilities of the enemy are those whose occupation or destruction produces his serious disorganization and/or the loss of his will of defense. They are those elements, characteristics, possessions that give sense to the fight that he maintains. Its loss instills inevitably in the enemy a sensation of hopelessness and a sense of uselessness in continuing the fight at those moments, except for accumulating more losses.

The critics vulnerabilities are different in each one of the levels of military action, although the effects produced in the superior levels are transmitted to the inferior ones.

A strategic critical vulnerability, handled capably by the Spaniards in century XVI during the conquest of America, was the capture of the great chief or emperor of the indigenous confederations of the great invaded countries (Moctezuma in Mexico, Atahualpa in Peru). But, once turned hostage, the symbolic representation of a leader of this type plummeted, because the social vitality of the community which he directed, demands his renovation, as if he had died.

In II World War, the occupation of the capital and the fall of the government were strategic critics vulnerabilities, to which was acceded through an operational strategy of mobile warfare: spring campaign of 1,940 in the Western Front. The same tried Hitler in 1941 in relation with Moscow in the East front. Probably in that total war, almost of extermination, its fall had not the political importance that was attributed to it. But Moscow constituted a great hub, a railway communications center vital for all the U.R.S.S. at the west of the Urales and, in this sense, it had been a critical operational vulnerability.

To achieve these strategic intermediate aims, the operational level has some specific operational means that are the intelligence, the imbalance and the incapacity of the enemy, the time or speed of the operations and combats, the logistic organization and his physical support or line of supplies and the correct sense of the own command.

It uses these means to drive and to use ideally (and without squandering) the tactical-operational means at his disposition.

Resultado de imagen de reuniones sindicales grandes  THE NATIONAL MORAL FLOURISHES IN ALL THE PLACES OF SOCIAL COEXISTENCE.

These are:

The ground transitability (in the whole geographical dimension of the nature of the areas, climate, station and hour of the day),

the combat capacity (military means made concrete in men, equipment, supports and combat vehicles) and the capacity of operational movement (transport of great and small tonnage, the supplies of all kinds and combustibles and the warehouses and accessible parks in the zone) owns available,

the freedom of action and the «favorable interfaces of action» with the enemy (that exist and that they can also be created always, by means of the extension or decrease of the «field of action» on that, as a tactical operational zoom, or by means of his change to another front sector or in the depth of the enemy zone). With these last 2 «systems» we can act always according to our criterion and interest and not simply react to the actions of the enemy.

This way, the mentioned «operational systems» realize the employment and the functioning of all the levels of the national defense. And they go from the conception and the great creation of aims, interests and available resources, received from the command and the nation, up to its practical final accomplishment. Involving in this also the necessary and the inevitable and imposed by the enemy, tactical employments of the military means, as stages for the ideal achievement of those commended aims.


The Will of Defense of a Society.

And the Strategy, the Operational Strategy and the Tactics, as Levels of its Military Actuation

The Ideology or Concept and its Range.

The “will of defense” of a nation is its capacity to cause, create, develop and maintain defense forces. The strength of the defense forces, in turn, rely on the necessary support of the economy of the country and the diplomacy of the state. The will of defense is an expression of the will of being and the vital capacity, even biological, of a society. This concept overcomes and perfects the so called hybrid war or of V generation. That implies and supposes the employment of all his «orthodox and heterodox means of intervention» by the social belligerent group.



As the term implies, will of defense is healthy, normal and sufficient when defense forces and the strength of the country’s economy and the quality of state leadership and diplomacy are proportional and adapted to the political objectives of society. These must also be adequate to the possible threats that the country may have to oppose, both within and out the country, within its geopolitical region or other sources of threat. This capacity and its performance in different situations stems from a correct “national moral”.

The will of defense is shaped normally in the Armed Forces, in its capacity of specific instruments of the defense function. The resources of the Armed Forces include the human resources, psychological and intellectual resources and material resources. The basis for the will of defense, the source from which these resources flow is the society itself.

At the level of human resources, troops must have suitable training, the combat readiness and a certain esprit de corps. Human resources are shaped by doctrine, military direction and military moral. So, they can carry out the military operations withstanding the effort and the wear of them, while maintaining their conviction in the missions to which they are assigned.

Resultado de imagen de fuerzas armadas

Materials resources must support the military theory of the Armed Forces and have the necessary technological sophistication to serve the military’s objectives. They include the weapon systems and all the military hardware. All of these resources flow from a society that provides, maintains and nourishes them.

Which is operational about this natural phenomenon of the society’s capacity of defense?

In a modern society, the chain of transmission of the popular will to the Armed Forces, passes through a series of intermediate sociological gears of authorities and institutions. In them, crystallize and fulfill the popular will, albeit with all the shades, errors and deviations, derived from the degree of imperfection of society’s institutional system and of some authorities.

Resultado de imagen de misiles nucleares CHINESE INTERCONTINENTAL DF-41 MISSILES.


This implies that a direct military attack on the civil populace, does not debilitate the will of defense already shaped within its Armed Forces. So, military action is better focused on undermining the will of defense of the enemy armies, not on the society from which it springs.

To do this, the immediate goal would be the enemy’s Armed Forces, followed by the political system of the enemy’s country including its political objectives, plans, and alliances, as well as its military and auxiliary industries. Only finally would the focus of attack or pressure be on civilians of the enemy country.

The civil population, which is not intrinsically organized but is dominated by the ideological and institutional apparatus of the state, is capable of absorbing tremendous military blows. Examples of this are the bombing raids that Germany and North Vietnam endured for years. Ultimately, only the invasion of Germany forced its surrender. There is also the case of Iraq which was submitted to a kind of military siege in which its people were impoverished. Still, the Iraqi regime was even stronger than at the end of the allied invasion in the winter of l991, having suppressed internal opposition from Shiites and Kurds and having attracted the support or admiration of its resistance in the Arab world. Despite the first war against Iraq and the following siege, Iraqi’s did not rise against their political institutions and the content and expression of Iraq’s national will of defense was not altered. In the most radical case of a nuclear war, great civilian losses would occur initially, yet if the Armed Forces remained relatively intact due to defensive deployment and protection measures, it could prolong the defense of its country and even win.

This brings us to time as the environment in which the will of defense is expressed, and whose “effective factor” is “national moral”.

In effect, the will of defense is constructed in the time. And to destroy it requires actions within time. Those engaged in insurrection come to understand this point well. That a prolonged war directed at the source of the will of defense, the country’s people, will in effect attack the country’s national moral.

The National Moral, source of the Will of Defense.

The “national moral” is the collective conviction of how best to live by following historically-proven trends of peace, progress, own satisfaction, service and justice. This certainty is assumed by a society as its own vision, or conception of its destiny.

When individuals or groups do not subscribe this vision, or when they pervert it, the quality of national moral can deteriorates and often produces messianism. But, without illusion and enthusiasm, societies cannot achieve or create beneficial enterprises. Enthusiasm is a force of spirit, which conquers moral and ideological entropy (that is inevitably generated in societies), enlightened by a «reasonable illusion«.

Resultado de imagen de lideres mundiales THE DOCTRINE OF XI JINPING «illuminating» Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. IT WAS INCLUDED IN THE CONSTITUTION OF THE CHINESE COMMUNIST PARTY. ONLY MAO AND DENG XIAOPING DESERVED SUCH AN HONOR.


When leaders also are in tune with the right social trend, and with the wishes of their people, a moral community is established between leaders and their people, that harmonizes and promotes national and social feelings. This process is the origin and creator of the national moral of societies and is at a different qualitative level than that of purely biased, ethnically-based or group-based interests.

There is an ideological creation from the people and to the people, which reason is that it most be in favor the people. Still, this process remains subject to deviations and historical aberrations.

The process of creating the national moral are positive when leaders act collectively with honesty and inspire their people to follow «correct ways» of living, within all the possible ways of living available to them. This implies and demands a certain ideological control on the part of the state’s leadership, which is one of its main functions. Abuses of this responsibility are best represented by Hitler’s Minister of Propaganda, Mr. Goebbels; the political deputies and the party structure for the proletarian dictatorship with Stalin, etc.

Resultado de imagen de winston churchill

The natural organs for forming and transmitting the “national moral” are far removed from official propaganda offices. The reason is that the natural organs that generate national moral are found in the nuclei of society’s collective action and in its natural and institutional leaders. That is to say, the spaces in which national moral is created are homes, schools, churches, political parties, unions, working centers, and associations in general, etc.

After the battle of England, Churchill said that the future generations would say that «that one was our more glorious hour». This was possible thanks to an unbreakable social discipline, which was not ensuing from the study of manuals of civic education, but of the follow-up of a model spread by infinity of personal testimonies. The diffusion of the moral model of the citizen owed in a great extent to the educational labor of the Anglican Church.

The own Montesquieu admitted that the republican virtues only existed in the tales of the antiquity. This way, they were attractive to a leader minority, but his adoption by the citizens could not be done by legal or constitutional mandate. The moral theoretically proposed values, were seen as something artificial and remote. Without real connection with a practical and known moral code, highlighted with alive examples that could be follow.





The Hate is always an untidy passion. What might arise initially in the soul as competition and emulation, ultimately displays as distaste, repugnance or rivalry. It is a primary reptilian feeling of survival, compound or mixed with the dread and the rage towards other one, which is perceived as foreign, different and menacing. So, the hate expresses always as negative and destruction, still potential.

The hate breaks personal and social bridges and makes clashing spaces. The hate poisons the relations of different types and takes them to personal and social, antagonistic and irreconcilable situations. And this destructive and self-destructive drive forms a «sinister and mortal curl» in the emotional vital pace of the men. Once created the habit and the accepted and repeated guideline of conduct (by our automatic brain, though we do not notice). We have formed a riverbed for the flow of the hate and his extension. That so turns out to be easier to repeat and to keep live.

The mental Gordian knot of the hate, only can be cut by the collective overcoming. And this is carried out personally, exercising a broad mindness generosity and the personal effort of overcoming and oblivion the circumstances that shaped «that situation«. Looking for the only possible and human solution to the clash as such, to the fear perceived and more or less deformed, to the rage that stultifies and exceeds the spirit.


The War arises in the armed collective clash. In the violent dialectics of two social rivals groups. That employ the weapons for the attainment of certain aims, which are exclusive for both.

The regional and frontier tribes have been developing a social way, therefore, personified and assumed in his wide culture, of canalizing the hates and differences towards the minor possible hurt. Three are the claiming mechanisms that arise to mediate, smooth or alleviate the affronts and disputes. The first is the «blood price«. It consists in the fact that a related group or a family selection, assumes and faces the «offense» realized by a member of this group. The offense is paid, for example, by the delivery of camels or cereals measures. Then there is the revenge, when a crime is committed or a member of a clan is insulted seriously. This generates a spiral, developed in successive cycles, of violence and misbehaviors. Actions that the honor of the group forces to do. Sometimes, a «mediators council«, accepted by the parts, can arbitrate with success to cut the chain.

Imagen relacionada

Finally, there is the more or less limited war. This establishes a military collective action between faced clans or tribes and has an intermittent and extensive character. The lack of resources is a source of serious clashes between consolidated groups. And his rooting can manage to be like the vendettas. The origins or causes are the nomadism, the pastures, the droughts, the hunger, the drinking troughs, the demographic exclusive pressure and the lack of capital or the underdevelopment. But, also they can be the distribution of political and social roles in countries in precarious social and economic situation. Or of the economic performances that generate the exploitation and sale of his principal producing sources, which generally are monocultures or monoproductions of the mining industry. But, in his tribal origin, the armed conflict is always a limited war in the useless hurt: The children, the women, the animals, the fruit-bearing trees, even the crops that cannot remove, are respected. The premise is more or less not to urge or justify in the opposite one a thirst of and insane total revenge.

The tribes formed the constant flow of native emigrants, who populated and made grow from 1970, all the underdeveloped populations. Sometimes they were joined, from the 80s, by a foreign, more or less specialized emigration. That was devoting itself to the services, the development of the civil infrastructures and the extraction industries. One of the things that the modern civilization brought, which is nothing more that to live and to develop in the cities, it is the disappearance of the «procedure of containment and respect» of the fighting in and between the tribes. His interests were already those of the great city, his values (different from what the autochthonous virtues mean) were those of a disorganized society in ways of acceptance and integration.

It has been said that this «emigration from the lands«, broke the internal cohesion, the influence and the power of the tribes in many countries. It is not totally true. It has not happened in Iraq, which was much more modern and developed. And of it gives faith the devilish and complex guerrilla war generated after the Allied occupation at first of 2003 and against the successive sectarian governments of the shia majority. Not in the Lebanon, where the shiítas of the south of the country form the base of Hezbola‘s ethnic and logistic support.

The tribes were working or can work socially and politically as a «nation in embryo» in situations of isolation, structural poverty, central precarious authority. But they will tend to weaken when the benefits of the ethnic and tribal, regional and local structures were or are overcome by the provided by the dominating sheik or emir or the despot or democratic central state. And these had or have the popular constraint means, the respect and the ancendancy, to keep the tribes sufficiently close and united. And follwoing with a general common politics, favorable to the majority of the citizens, and not forgetting the rights of the minorities.

Resultado de imagen de guerra tribal africa IN THE TRIBAL ZONE OF PAKISTAN, AT THE BORDER WITH AFGHANISTAN.

Where the preference clans does not take place. That is the cancer that has corroded the tribal state unions, for example, in Somalia. Where, in addition, it has been absent the enough exemplary and supported figure, so to manage to impose a national common politics and the social peace. For example, in Iraq, where the government of Saddam Hussein and his aptitudes to keep joined the three etnias of the country. With all his disadvantages of corruption, arbitrariness and clientèle, were making the country to work very reasonably. And it was so much as military, winning the war to the Islamic Republic of Iran, as economically.

Other one of the vices that the «civilized» members of the tribes have acquired is the excessive greed. And with her, her corollary and the easy way to satisfy her, the rampant corruption. The social equality in the tribes, his «ideological rough republicanism», was guaranteeing the use and reasonable enjoyment of the resources by all the members.

Resultado de imagen de guerra tribal africa

The American and European troops are prepared to fight against a military regular enemy provided with a masses army. Or even more modern, of the IIIrd generation, with more elaborated technological means and better trained men to support the lonelinesses and tensions of the awaited current battlefields. Definitively, his «environment», his space of action, is the direct and opened clash in presence of a great profusion of probable enemy targets. His instrument is the attrition, the destruction of the aims that the enemy presents and could be detected and acquired in all the depth of his march or attack deployment. The last two enemy steps, nowadays increasingly remote or deep, are reached by the aviation of tactical support of long range or with the ballistic or autonomous rocketry of middle range.

Which is here the role of the man? To detect and confirm the enemy targets, to try to fix them if it is a question of a patrol or small combat unit and to call his «ordnance» in order that it devastates them. Only his elite units, always scanty and, therefore, exceptional and precious, are formed to only employ his organic means in the infantry close fight.

In Iraq and in Syria the islamist bases are always in the cities and populations most favorable to the activity of his different bands. And they are surrounded or perviosed by military national and foreign forces. Already at the beginnig of the war, the North American intelligence intercepted a memorandum of 17 pages written by Abu Musad al-Zarqawi, former chief of Al-Qaeda in Iraq, and directed to Osama ben Laden. In it he was expressing to him his worry for his survival: «In Iraq there are not mountains where we could shelter, nor forests in whose thickness we could hide. There are spies eyes everywhere. Our backs are exposed and our movements are realized in view of all». And this geographical military space is similar in Syria.


The Evil is conceptually the lack and the denial of the good, which is the only virtue or effort (as stable and permanent value) that is positive. And the primary negative force that generates the hate in a wide sense, not necessarily violent, is the one that gives force, life and permanency to the evil of the man.

Sometimes in the History and in the history of the human groups, raises a special and adherent evil, with own reality, that it is difficult to fight and avoid. There existed always the great ethnic, political, social and religious persecutions: the Jews were so by the Nazi Germany; the Christians, yazidis and other minor groups, in the Southwest of Asia; the educated, leader classes and with urban works suffered it in the Red Khmers’ Cambodia, which overcame in the scanty time suffered and in the affected percent of the population, the Bolshevik persecutions against the not proletarian or enemy classes. But, the force, the continuity and the determination that displayed in them, which were generated and channelled by the rage, the habit of unhealthy conduct and the guideline accepted by so many people, overcame the possibilities and the insane imagination of the human mortal collectivities.

Resultado de imagen de victimas del comunismo en el mundo

The Evil as concept, as immaterial entity, needs from instrument, a vector, a vehicle, to display in our physical world. And this material vehicle is provided by the untid and uncontrolled passions of the men, already dominated and dragged by the hate and his corollaries passions. In which and by means of them, the Evil displays enslaver, overflowing and superhuman.

The imposition of the communism in Russia from 1917, caused million dead men, destroyed countless families and persons and eliminated the perspectives and vital paths of many millions more, throughout almost 25 years of widespread and inhuman terror. The enemies of class were liquidated, a wide and confused name where were fitting all the nuisances for the governing class; the Red Army was purged in 1937; many peasants were slowly killed of hunger from 1930, with the implantation of the five-year industrialization plans, which were removing the agricultural resources for it and giving priority to the heavy industry, which would turn the USSR into a great modern Power.

Resultado de imagen de victimas del comunismo en el mundo  HISTORIC STUDY OF RESULTS Y VICTIMS.

And all this became systematic and coldly. As it corresponds to visionaries, illuminated by a considered scientific social doctrine and, therefore, infallibly. That they were detecting the absolute and all-embracing power and were themselves abrogated the right and the sovereignty for it. The three powers of the State were centering in them to be exercised, in a satrapy, a tyranny endowed with the modern means at his disposition. Supposedly they were doing it in name of the people and for the people, but they never did it with the real people. Mao calculated that around 90 generations would be need, suffering the «proletariat dictatorship» in the «socialist countries«, in order that could arise, were appearing the green outbreaks of, the «new communist man«.

Imagen relacionada GULAGS IN THE USSR.

All these putrid, inhuman, insane ideas come from the sewage, pits and black wells of the human intelligence and soul. And they are the valid, sure and permanent instrument for the periodic manifestation of the Evil within the humanity. This Evil, unattainable for the reason and the human capacities, is the temporal manifestation of the Misterium Iniquitatis.

The Evil acts stimulating in a fulfilled, relarge, excessive way our untied passions. On having examined the affected facts, only we can wonder: how was it possible that this happened?, how did it come near to so much?. Except in personal exceptional cases, the Evil acts in the human collective and insane actions. So that, his presence remains diffuse, vague, veiled. There will never be «security» of his action. Because the supra rationals phenomena neither are implied not even are overlapped openly with the material human phenomena. This way, they can conjecture or suppose his presence and his operation, but without confirming them «in stricto sensu».

The Tactical or Operational Military Success. Its Signs.


It is not a question of defining how to act, thing that already we try to do in other published articles or that they will be in a future. But that, perceiving in the operations development certain facts, guidelines or behaviors of the conflicting parts and of the objective conditions (of the ground, etc.), we will be able to diagnose a very probable forecast for the culmination of those operations.

This way, we will be able to trust in and to rest on these favorable forecasts. And to reinforce mental and physically our signs of the Tactical and Operational Military Success. To control better the fears, worries, assignments of the scanty forces, uncertainties, endless lacks, unexpected bad understanding, recoverable frustrations and the partial crises. Which will arise inevitably during the operations development.

The main Signs of the Tactical or Operational Military Success to look for:

The Signs of Tactical or Operational Success about Us:

The operational military plans will be simple, flexible and with capacities of alternative developments. They must be capable of adjusting to the unforeseen and the contingencies. And endlessly incorporating intelligence updates about the intentions and possibilities of the enemy and ground reconnaissance. This is specially important in maneuver operations.

There will exist an operational own initiative, that will allow us to develop our plans. Always using us the activity, even in the defense. And keeping endlessly the action freedom and given priority to its recovery, in case of its loss.

The own exploration and intelligence are fundamental, the more creative and risky is the operation to realizing. Reciprocally, the enemy exploration and his perceptions will be pushed back and/or be disturbed systematically. Will be included in this repulse and mixtify, the security of the units, false positions, advanced detachments and combat patrols, fogs and smokes, the combat for the wireless communications, etc.

The knowledge of the enemy and his actions will be always incomplete and imperfect. And will be extended with the evolution of the situation in relation to him. They will not be known temporarily, even positions, movements, combat readiness, deployments or fundamental units. But not those that affect us direct and tactically in our operation under way. On those we will place the gravity center of our exploration. That will be even “in force” against certain enemy hard objectives.

The own combat capacity for the propose operation will be sufficient and will be equipped, distributed and protected. Considering the friction and inevitable minor errors, derivatives of our own military activity in the hyperfunctional chaotic environment, and the necessary reserves. Our security will inexorably be kept during the operation and in the consolidation of occupied terrain. And specially defending, with combat detachments, the advance sectors of our “mobile groups” operating in the enemy operational rear.

Decisions on which tactical battle areas will be engaged, will consider: accessibility (whether they offer neutral or favorable transitability); vulnerability, whether one’s forces can apply sufficient combat capacity against an enemy, in an area that had not attracted much of his attention; transcendent, the action will produce the decision or will contribute decisively to her and the tactical result will have operational efficiency.

One example is the operational counterattack of the German Armies Group Don of Marshal Von Manstein. That was carried out between February and March of 1943 in the Donbass river basin and around the city of Kharkov. Let us remember the development of this counterattack, its tactical combats and their effect on the “sui generis” Tanks Army of General Lieutenant Popov (Group Popov), the Infantry Armies and both Tank Corps as the mobile reserve of the Southwest Front of General Vatutin and, apart and also, the 3rd Tanks Army of Lieutenant General Ribalko.

The logistics is an essential piece of the victory. When the armies are modern, mechanized and technical. And they are, this way, highly dependent on the fuels, the spares, the supplies of all kinds and on the rotation or reinstatement of units. It is supposed tactic and operationally that the means of all kinds are available and more or less nearby. To support the impulse, the fire and the operative efficiency of all the “units of action”, it is necessary to guarantee them a constant and sufficient flow of the mentioned means. Therefore, the commands must take the actions to defend the «physical support» of the logistic structure. Specially against assaults from the enemy depth or in sensitive and critical points or in the routes most far from our units. Constituted by all the “supplying routes”, from the units up to our operational rear. And that are still more important that the so called “retreat routes”. Though they could coincide in some sections. Among other things, because the modern forces must count with remaining isolated for a certain time. And keeping in this period their tasks, in agreement with the entrusted missions.

The Signs of our Tactical or Operational Military Success about the Enemy:

There will be a passiveness or operational delay in the enemy. Generally he will act with an intention that is not convergent with our own. And, at least, not harmful for our operation, especially in the first stages of the process. When she develops her impetus or push or movement quantity (combat capacity X average sustainable speed, in every stage). This sign of the tactical or operative success is a «pear in sweet», that not always will give itself so clearly, as in the following example.

It is worth to remember the development of the Blitzkrieg in the West and invasion of France by Germany in the spring of 1940. The main part of the French maneuver troops, their three more modern armies, and the British Expeditionary Force rushed toward Holland and Belgium to stop the German scythe-like advance. That was supposed directed at the interior of France and the rear of her Maginot line. The Allied High Commands, whose doctrine had not evolved, were thinking that in May 1940 Germany would repeat their “Schlieffen modified plan” of 1914 in their new invasion of France.

Resultado de imagen de INVASION francia 1940 THE OPERATIONAL DEVELOPMENT.

Resultado de imagen de INVASION francia 1940 ITS RESULT

In agreement with the new plan of General Erich Von Manstein, really the “blow of scythe” was given by the Armies Group A of colonel general Von Rundstedt. Which was possessing as spear lance the Panzer Group of general Von Kleist. His five Panzer and five Motorized divisions, integrated in three Panzer Corps, were going to cross the Ardennes and to carry on a wide break in the French line around Sedan. Turning then rapidly towards the west and pressing finally on the flank and the rear of the Allied forces in Belgium. Which would find operationally isolated, with their line of communications, support of their logistics of supply, cut off.

The tactical enemy activity is inevitable. It will be permanent, harmful and even it will be unexpected and will partially affect us. But it will not be fundamental for our plans. Remember that we are looking for signs of our success, not those of the enemy. The best sign of maturity will be that it does not worry excessively to our tactical or operational commands. If this activity did not exist, it would be because the enemy was not there. To overcome and to get used to these tactical accessory crises and not be left to drag by them, harming our principal operation, is the touchstone of the serenity of the commands. Always we must bear in mind the possibility that the enemy appears tactically in «the moment and in the zone» more inconvenient and difficult for us. If it does it operatively it is that we have incurred a mistake of intelligence or of the valuation of the correlation of forces and of the enemy capacities or intentions.

Napoleon, without getting to exhaust the reserves, but without they were exceeding, attended to the different local tactical crises that appeared in Austerlitz’s battle. After the occupation of Pratzen’s heights by two infantry divisions of the Army Corp of marshal Soult. This sealed the destruction of the joint Russian Austrian army and his Austerlitz’s victory.


Let’s see the process of development of the tactical containment of the Allied enemy. With the enemy forces concentration attacking the supposed tactical and operative (without protecting the line of retreat towards Vienna) Frenchmen deployment weakness. The grenadiers of Oudinot were sent from the Zurland hill to support the south flank, where the principal battle was getting away. Bernadotte advanced up to Blaswitz village, to cover the Soult’s north flank. The Murat’s cavalry reserve, in the Santon hill, the left flank (at north) of the French deployment, had to fight against Liechtenstein’s cavalry, to support the novices of Lannes’s Corp who were defending it. Kutusov managed to bring towards Pratzen part of the forces of his left wing (at south). And Soult, attacked by three sides, had to employ part of the general artillery reserve to contain the enemy with its wearing fire. Around 1 p. m. Constantine and the imperial Russian Guard counter-attacked the already tired Frenchmen in Pratzen. Their first line yielded. The cavalry of the French Imperial Guard, who had been advanced by Napoleon, supervised by marshal Béssiers and general Rapp, attacked the Russians and put them in escape. And Bernadotte, from Blauswitz, sent a division in support of the center of the punished French deployment.




And this is the gravity center of the fight against the solitary wolves. To preventive and isolately hunt them is very difficult, because they scarcely do not leave tracks. It is necessary to fight against the necessary instigators of their ideas (persons, companions, mass media of all kinds, trips to their foreign centers). For it, is necessary to adapt the legislations, as it has been done against the family mistreaters or the financial refined crimes, supported by the immediate communication and on line. Without harming with it the due detection and following-up by teachers, disciples, communications of all kinds and their holes.

And of this, as almost all, we have exceeded experience. In July, 1884, the liberal government of Sagasta, implanted the first Spanish law against the attacks with explosives, generally carried out by the anarchists. In her, his instigators were rightly punished; not only the material authors of the outrages, but also its inducers.

The ideologic Adaptation of the Jihad to the present times.

The Islam has to assume that the Jihad was necessary for the establishment and the defense of the believers’ primitive community. The Prophet establishing the Islamic state from the violent destruction of the jahiliyya (the existing barbarism previous to the Islam Arabic). And even the Jihad could be useful for its rapid extension through the world, according with the existing condition of culture and development of the medieval civilizations. But its historical opportunity does not exist nowadays and then it must be replaced by «another type of EFFORT in Allah’s way», the Great personal Jihad. Which concept already exists in the Sunna and that might be recaptured and proclaimed by the ulemas and the pious muftis, which are the ideologists of the real and everlasting Islam. And, certainly, those enjoy the most ample political, social and economic independence: they are respected and/or fearsome by the governments in their respective countries, and usually are those who administer the Zakat or the canonical alms.

Resultado de imagen de imam al-Shafi Islam doctor AL-SHAFII, LEADER OF ONE OF THE ISLAM’S IDEOLOGICAL SCHOOLS.

Since the emergence of 4 principal ideologic Sunnis schools, the principle of the personal reflection effort, the ichtihad, got power in the Islam. The ichtihad is going to allow the development of the Arabic culture, so much for the civil aspects (sciences, trade, literature, art), as for the enrichment of its ideology. It is the base of Islamic lawyers as al-Shafii. The ichtihad is a source of brilliancy, creativity, enrichment, progress and peace in the way of the personal and collective effort towards God (this is the nucleus and the reason of the Islam), when already the Umma has spread and multiplied enormously through the world.

Resultado de imagen de the great Jihad THE «GREAT OR INNER MOSLEM JIHAD»…

But, circa the XIth century (V century from the hégira or march to Medina), the doctors of the Law close the door to the ichtihad. The methodological Islamic approach alters: from then, it is imitating, repeating and abusing of the compendiums.

The Needs of Renovation, Commitment and Action in the Islam.

In the face of his own terrorism (war actions against general, innocent and indiscriminate targets), the Islamic world is paralyzed and do not knows what to say or do. The spokesmen and intellectual affirm that the Islam is peace and tolerance. But this is not totally true. As we know by the facts and the omissions in its disapproval and ostracism. The majority of the Muslims take away from the attacks for opportunism, to protect the Islam, worried by the increasing rejection that it suffers in Western countries. But, when do the ulemas or the muftís intervene in the polemic? Almost never…

Resultado de imagen de al-azhar university AL-AZHAR UNIVERSITY, CAIRO.

Never was carried out inside the Islam a deep reflection on the political and religious opportunity of the violence. Does someone know Islamic active pacifists? It is not the case that the intellectual laymen Moslem react. These are not operative in the way that we know in the West, since for a good Muslim the politics, the society and the religion form the only, exclusive and inseparable Trinity established by Allah. Besides, the social and political failure of the intellectual laymen Arabs remains tied with that of the nationalistic, leftist and Europeanized elite, that stimulated the independence of the different Arabic nations after the World War II. And that created lay, «socialist» regimes rested on the clientism and the internal repression and separated by his ideology and interests from his respective Moslem societies.

Resultado de imagen de al-azhar university AL-AZHAR’S RECTOR WITH TAWADROS II, THE 112th COPTIC PATRIARCH…

Some actions by the spiritual chiefs of the Islam are attainable and they would be estimated by all. The ulemas might declare that the interests of the Islam and of the Umma have Spain and the rest of Europa as good friends, as part of Dar el-Ahd. That are the countries where the Umma does not dominate politically, but that is in peace with his inhabitants and can realize his actions and rites. The ulemas might use the institution of the takfir against the most recalcitrant, dangerous and criminal terrorists. Those who act turned aside perversely (maliciously or after being reproached by those without results) In name of the Islam. And they have not done it historically for the paralysing fear to falling down in a destructive and solvent spiral of mutual and multiple reproaches within the Umma. Let’s remember that the monolithic religious unit does not exist in the Islam. In which the people, in addition, has free access to his «submission to Allah», with only reciting the Profession of Faith. That would be equivalent, in certain form and measure, to the Christian baptism.




4) The Islamic terrorists are in many places deeply divided ideologically, institutionally and strategically. Though the rivals bands could occasionally offer between them support, refuge, information or supplies. The real reasons are that the chiefs of principal bands want to be always «emirs or sheikhs and interpreters of the Islam” in his place, his region, his province… The Gaza strip is dominated for years by Hamas, a radical fundamentalist Palestinian sunni group, in direct and violent rivalry with the Palestinian government of al-Fatah in the West Bank of the Jordan. In Gaza, two branches of al-Qaeda organizations, Ansar al-Sunna and Ansar al-Islam, both derisory groups, also violently face Hamas for increasing their influence on the inhabitants. The Pakistani Taliban, principally the group Tehkrit e-Taliban Pakistan and the independenct Cachemirs, realize from time to time attempts against the shii minority of the country. In Iraq, the ISIS uses to attack the shiis that come in peregrination from the country and Iran to the annual acts of this religion in his sacred places of Samarra, Nayaf and Kherbala. And the discrepancies and, still, the offenses between both branches of the Islam, have made come again the violent conflicts in Iraq. Where, already in 1919, Arnold Wilson, the civil British administrator in Baghdad, was declaring that «the union of the mentioned ex-Turkish provinces (Baghdad, Basora and Mosul) to form a nation, was a recipe for the disaster. Because it was implying that it would bind three ethnic-religious very different groups to work together, being known well that they mutually hate”.

Resultado de imagen de arnold wilson SIR ARNOLD WILSON.

5) And the Delirium Tremens of their ideological action. Some of the craziest Islamic guerrillas were the Algerians in the 90s. Without not being at least studious of the Islam and with very earthly interests, they were excommunicated (of the Umma) some groups to others. The takfir or anathema stems from kfur or ungodliness. This directly relates to the religious and moral chaos or jahiliyya, previous to the Islam in Arabia. For it, is declared impious someone who is or tries to be a Muslim. And is exiled, at least morally, of the Umma.


6) They have a great operational decentralization. They obtain this partly by the universality of the Umma. That comes out and overcomes the idea of nation or race. And gives them the «assabiya» or personal identity and groupal belonging, by means of a totalizator religion. But that also prevents them from obtaining strategic consistent aims. Though his punctual actions are important, odious, painful, fearsome. And they are so by the brutality, the abandonment, the mutilation and the blood effusion that their victims suffer. That assume and are afraid for all the persons that feel threatened (the impact is subjective). And not by the scantiest probability that exists of suffering them. This is pure terrorism for its intentions, means and implications.

His irregular effective and transcendent action might begin with mobile actions of general harassment in the enemy rear, using the bands sufficiently establised in a territory. Seeking for the wear and demoralization of the enemy forces, his whole dispersion looking for protection and to paralyze them in the more or less static defense of the threatened territory.

7) The strategic communications of the bands are precarious or absent, insufficient, careless and vulnerable within the jihadists groups. And everything is due to his constitution in spread, confused and diffuse networks, that characterizes them. And it is not a question of the messages or alerts, that always can be sent and received, with only tactical transcendency. And it is not a consequence of the alternation of the deployments and concentrations in the military actions.

Those communications are: With the bases, for his rest, refuge, reorganization, indoctrination, information, logistic support and the indispensable protection against the sterile and exhausting «wandering». With the related or associate bands, for the general support, the information and his operational concentration for the different tasks. With the people, for his rest, temporary refuge, support and different means, information and the ideological religious action, to facilitate the later necessary territorial and human extension.

8) One of his strategic aims is to strike any government, of any origin and society, so as which the «possible aims» are attainable to them. Since the expansionist and aggressive Caliphate of dar el-Islam of the beginnings of the sunni Caliphate, does not exist today and they can not integrate in it for its “defense”.

9) They have a deep-rooted, sharpened and consistent zeal to do advertising of his successful actions. With that the West collaborates insensitively and liking of extending and defending the free information. Achieving with all this the magnificence and exaltation of a painful and unconnected results. That offer to them a social and religious protagonism very superior to the operational transcendency of them. This is not any more than the extension of the terror and his political and ideological consequences. By means of the «waves of commotion» that transmit without filter our modern communications to all the peoples, specially to us the Europeans.

Resultado de imagen de jihad propaganda THE JIHAD PROPAGANDA IN EUROPE…

10) But, all the positions and the psychological and ideological attitudes are also objectives to defend and to conquer by West, in this low intensity warfare for the expanse of a radical, out-of-date, exclusive and imposed dominion.

Than all this can be got is demonstrated by the actual precariousness and going back of the ISSI.


In Irak, its militar and social situation is of clear moving back up to Mosul. Wich is very difficult to liberate. Because it will be an urban fighting against a prepared, fortified and in deep defense manned by motivated and decided irregular fighters.


Keeping a similar strategy in Syria and Iraq by the ISSI for the creation of his radical salifist independent caliphate has several important mistakes. One is to simultaneously fight in two countries with different strategic approaching. Other is to divide their meagres really trained operational forces in two fronts. In Syria, the valid strategic for the heterogeneous, multiple and divided opposition to al-Assad, is to support, at least, the unit in the military strategy. This way, all the military efforts could converge in different, simultaneous or successive, objectives, that decides a military high command, respected by all the present and active groups in Syria. Already we have seen how al-Assad amounts means and efforts to his cause. These are the trained “militias” of Hezbola; the Brigades al-Quds (Jerusalem) of the Republican Guard (Pasdaran) of Iran, under the command of the general Qassem Suleimani; the Russian Naval and Air Forces and her ground units of defense the installations; armament, equipments and ammunitions reinstatement; political diplomatic support from Iraq, Iran and Russia. This is allowing him to beat in diverse combats the opposition groups and to expel them from positions that were occupying, some during enough time. Not observance of this strategy, of pure survival, would lead the opposition to his progressive destruction by the SNA.


The «solitary wolves» and the freedom of unlimited expression in West.

The solitary wolves suicidal terrorists arise for the conjunction of several deficiencies, miseries and human ideologies. Almost all they are young persons full of idealism (sacrifice for his familiar and social group and searching of a promising future) and of vital interests, which are in full boiling of fulfillments. His social and cultural situation is usually deficient and vague. They suffer a real and/or praised by the imagination marginalization. Almost all of us, position to it, can use a heap of insufficiencies or personal and collective, psychological and material, not solve lacks. And, since the others do not solve us, to say that we are excluded from the society, is a cozy flight from the reality. And an intimate and real doubting of our own capacities (this, they will never accept it), to blame the others for our misfortunes.

In addition, the search for the lacks would always lead us to be bogged down in yearning and obtaining the omnipresent and inextinguishable «desires». And this «negative search» can prevent us from to do the utmost in going out forward, having attainable and progressive goals, to interiorly and externally develop as persons and to estimate the “neighbors” with loyalty and confidence. With what we will overcome those «lacks», with the orientation, the intention and the effort that we give to our ideas and accomplishments.

Resultado de imagen de solitary terrorists A KNOWN BRITISH INSTIGATOR OF THE LONE ATTACKS

In that germinal and manure land can easily sow the slanted ideas of a religious attainable, vindictive interpretation, that offers a purpose and a Mission in the life. And that rewards his «mujahidins» fallen in combat, specially the martyrs or witnesses, with a sensitive, clear, sure, showy (this quality of pure vanity is very attractive) and comfortable (it is not necessary to dedicate to it a life of effort, selflessness and renunciation) prize. The jihadists organizations usually facilitate substantial prizes to the families of his «martyrs». With what these also have insured the relative well-being of their most direct family in enough time. The result is that the «losers», «rooted out», «offended», «without empathy towards the neighbor», do not find it hard to take the decision to turn into a martyr of the Jihad. And the case is that the spreading, the explanation and the impregnation, which Lorenz would say, of those poisonous and addictive ideas, are realized with the major facility in our modern societies.



The radical fundamentalist Islamic insurgents or jihadistas devoted themselves between the 60s and 80s to attack those that they were qualifying as corrupt and false or socialist or westernized and liberal «Moslem governments». Their fortune was small for all their commited effort. On one hand, the retreat of the Soviets of Afghanistan. But, possessing the logistic western support and the indispensable military action of pashtuns groups and other Afghans etnias, commanded by the regional «lords of the war». That is to say, the out-standing and charismatic maliks of the clans and regional tribes. Between them the most famous was Ahmad Sah Masud, the Lion of the valley of the Panjshir. And, for other one, they got the capture of the power in Sudan, inspired by al-Turabi, a «spider captain», having managed to get strong in its Army. This is still the only case in the sunni world. The propaganda was not appearing between his priorities and the informative fingerprint that they left in the western world was wretched. Few found out that they existed and of those are more less who remember their wanderings of then. From the 90, the jihadist aim turns against the unfaithful West. Considering the Great Satan personified in the United States of North America and his democratic western coreligionists, as the first agitators and corrupters of the Islamic peoples.

The Jihad allowed the rapid spread of the Islam.

The Jihad, expressed in the precise concept that we all understand, is not gathered in the Koran. Nevertheless, though there appear in the Koran approximately 8 «pacifists» verses, exist near 100 aleyas or verses which encourages the Muslims to the defense of the community or Umma, to the fight against the unfaithful people and to the armed spread of the Islam. Established the main lines, rapidly the political chiefs of the Umma, including the Prophet, threw hand of the instrument that so clearly was offering them and that they needed in a “struggle of life or death”.

At the beginning of the Islam, when was reigning the “jahiliyya” (definition of the barbarism previous to it) in the Arabs, the Jihad was indispensable and inevitable for the defense of the new religion. That was arising in the middle of a “stormy sea” of pagan and idolatrous and more or less nomadic tribes and clans, which were populating Arabia. It had not even begun the first expansion of the Islam to the whole Arabic world, and the Muslims groups could be easily eliminated by their enemies. And any radical change, even only new, finds always an initial rejection. Which originates in the conservative «ideological and tradition inertia», which always exists in the society where it appears.


Three were the reasons that stimulated the Arabic tribes to starting a way of conquest of the wide and distant peoples and lands, strangers to the Arabic Peninsula. The first one was the religious reason. As in any religious primitive community, the Umma was the center of the Allah’s mandates and benedictions. And so, being lived collectivly and keenly, the fulfillment of a monotheistic and simple doctrine. This religion was demanding, in addition, an active and coercive, constant and expansive proselytism, directed to the unfaithful persons and the frontier hostiles. The obligation of the Jihad was similar to other “five basic rules or pillars of the Islam”. The Koran given to Mohammed in the birth of the Islam, has numerous verses or aleyas that demand the armed fight to the faithfuls ones.

Resultado de imagen de muslim conquest in the middle ages

In the side of the mundane interests, the extension of the Arabic conquests, in his uncontrollable advance during more than one century, brought the control over the goods and households of the new and numerous subjects and the political and military power on them. The Moslem domain was established by the presence of a governor with his military garrison, in every conquered important city or region. The relation of the new subjects with the Islamic regime was establishing and regulating by the payment to the governor of the periodic taxes. Owed to the imposed subjection and for practising, by the moment, a different religion. This flow of important and constant money began to come to the conquerors, who established diverse intelligent enough mechanisms for his distribution. The third reason, attainable to the nobles, chiefs and more out-standing Muslims, was the distribution of the quotas of power.That were generating the domain, the defense and the governance of the new territories of al-Islam. That are the lands of the domain of the Islam, the lands given by Allah to his faithfuls, the lands that they must keep or recover, if they are temporarily snatched. This way, the emirs, sheikhs and caids were proliferating, occupying and shaping the political Arabic structure of the islamized territories.


The Arabic original tribes of the Islam were receiving a part of the taxes and of the plunders of the conquest, though they were not taking part in any military expeditions. Another part was given to the participants in the Jihad against some bordering people or region with the caliphate. An important part belonged to the authorities of the Umma, centred on the caliphate of Damascus or of Baghdad, and regionally represented by his emirs or caides, to support the expenses of the governing and the maintenance of the theocratic State. From the later was stemming a part destined to pay, equip and forming up the new Jihads, towards the frontier territories of dar al-Islam, that were appearing. Finally, there was the Zakat or the canonical alms, given to the ulemas and muftis. That had as purpose to solve and compensate the Muslims for the punishment and the randoms of the life, with the contribution of their community. And that was distributed to the poor, the disabled and the patients, the orphans and the widows of the Umma. This was closing the process of distribution of the wealth and the power. That was mundanely welding and assuring the religious aspirations of the believers of the new faith.

Strategic contradictions of the jihadists in the irregular war.

The principal characteristics of the irregular war are his prolongation in time, consequence of his low military intensity, and that is civil and political. What imply a great social tear and inevitable acts of great cruelty. By the «ascent to the extremes» of the war, which Clausewitz was saying, without the safeguards of the laws and accepted customs, that get lost in this «born within itself chaos».

To reach the power or his strategic aims, the guerrilla has three aims in his total strategy: the military annihilation of the enemy, who can be simply appearing his disability to solve the problem of the bands in an acceptable time for the popular enemy rear; the destruction of the military and economic infrastructure that supports it and the capture of the people or of his religious, ethnic and/or social base to his ideas. In this dialectics of wills, ideologies and efforts the strategic aspects of the irregular bands of any ideology are three: the guerrilla bases, his forces correlation with the regular enemy and the communications in general.

The deficiencies and miseries of the jihadists, in relation with the strategy and the operative strategy are:

1) The jihadists have failed in actively and firmly joining to a social large group, which gives cover and permanent impulse to their «imperialistic social religious movement». The most mentally ill activists are slowly isolating themselves (at least, emotional and ideologically) of the society in which «they live». And they do it in altars of his violent methods, to which they sacrifice everything for obtaining the efficiency in the action. They continue to be prepared a process of segregation, purification (in his unexpected not orthodox rites fast, use water from sacred places and green, yellow or black banderoles with inscriptions of the aleyas that favor them), consecration and radicalization. This «catechizing of the violence» allows them to mentally come to the glorious and in peace death, and, even to the suicide, in the accomplishment of his punctual actions.

 2) The jihadists groups act with an unnecessary and indiscriminate brutality, which discredits them before his religion and unquestionably separates them of the pure Muslims and, still, of the normal ones. Let’s see some aleyas or verses from the Koran:

Sura (chapter), 4 aleya 33 «… Oh, believers … do not kill yourself (do not kill between you, is another description) …».

2, 10 » When it is said to them: do not commit disorders (voice that defined the crimes) in the Earth, they answer: Far from it, we introduce in it the good order (the Good)».

2, 11 «Alas!, they commit disorders, but they do not understand it».

28, 77 «As Allah makes the Good, also make you the good and do not foment the corruption (the Evil)» (murder of innocent and of peoples that receive you -the lands of dar-el-Ahd-, drunkenness, drugs, unnecessary damages of the things).

They despise and not comply with these moral aleyas, without Allah had changed them for they. Sura 2, aleya 100 «We do not abrogate any verse of this Book, nor we will make erase any one of your memory, without replacing it by other one equal or better».

3) The absolute absence of venerable and pious ulemas and muftis in their side.